随便看 |
- lift (up) one's hands (或hand)
- lift up one's head
- lift (up) one's heart
- lift up one's heart
- lift up one's voice
- lift up one's (或its) head
- lift up someone's head
- lift (up) someone's heart
- lift up someone's heart
- lift up the horn
- lift up with pride
- lift valve
- lift (或 move, raise, stir, turn) a finger
- lift (或pull,haul,raise) oneself (up) by the(或one's own)bootstraps
- lift (或raise,remove,take off) the embargo on
- lift(或raise) the blockade
- lift(或raise)the curtain on (或over)
- lift (或 take) a weight off someone's mind
- lift (或throw, turn up,[俚语]crook) the little finger
- lig.
- lig 1
- lig 2
- ligament
- liga mentous, ligamental, ligamentary
- ligamentously
- 君王有庆臣民乐,共对东风一解颜
- 借问浔阳在何处,每看潮落一相思
- 楚客西上书,十年不得意
- 莹为沧海镜,烟霞作荒标
- 复土后培土,恃陵视怙陵
- 把不住,为君说个临歧句
- 独是素无形,兼且无色靓
- 心期功名定不赦,未识所与游从谁
- 苦学无寒暑,双趺片石存
- 神水华池妙更精,非铅非汞妄干名
- 故相国颍公挽歌辞三首
- 挽李主簿长民二首
- 梅花
- 望太白山
- 读《桃花扇》传奇偶题八绝句(选—)
- 闇戆
- 碣馆
- 司法部
- 靇靇
- 单栖