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leap the pale leap to conclusion leap to the eye leap up leap year
lear Lear lear board Lear, Edward learnable
learn about (或 of) learn a thing or two learn by learn by experience learn by rote
learned learned behavior learned borrowing learned helplessness learned in the law
learned profession learner learner-centred learner-driver learn fare,learnfare
learn from learn from experience learning learning block learning computer
learning curve learning-curve pricing learning disability learning disabled learning-disabled
learning institution Learning is the eye of the mind. learning laboratory learning machine learning psychology
learning resources learning resources centre learning set learning theory learn off
learn one's lesson learn one's scale Lear,Norman learn something by heart learn (something) the hard way
learn something the hard way learnt learn the hard way learn the ropes learn the trick of it
learn things to look after themselves learn to say before you sing Learn to say before you sing. learn up Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

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