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单词 work up
释义 work up1.■[美国英语]逐渐上升,向上爬[亦作 work one's way up]:The young man works his way up to the top.那个年轻人努力使自己逐步晋升到最高职位。2.■创作;制订;使发展:I think you can work up the story well.我想你能把故事组织得很好。3.■逐步发展;发挥;精心作成:His father worked up a department store.他父亲精心兴办了一家百货店。4.■学到(知识);提高(技能):The boy worked up his notes for the test.男孩认真做好笔记以备考试。5.■鼓动,激起,唤起;使激动:I worked myself up to accept the challenge.我鼓起勇气接受挑战。6.■检查(病人):to work up a patient给病人做检查7.■增加,加强;提高效率,增强效能:The orchestra was working up to a crescendo.交响乐团即将演奏到音量渐强的一节。8.■[俚语]由于剧烈活动引起(出汗等):The old woman worked up a sweat in the garden.老妇人在花园里干活干得出汗了。9.■用完,用光(原料等):All the paper you carried to the workshop has been worked up.你们搬进车间里的纸都用光了。10.■依靠努力、勤奋等逐步建立起来(事业等);逐步建立,努力完成:They worked up this business from nothing.他们白手起家创建了这项事业。11.■钻研,彻底研究,彻底调查12.■【印刷】(空铅、铅条等)升到印刷面上13.■【航海学】(使)从事讨厌(或多余)的任务




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