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单词 fling out
释义 fling out1.■猛扔出来;猛扔出去:That drunkard flung out the empty bottle.那个醉汉把空瓶扔了出来。2.■张开双臂:He flung out his arms to welcome her.他伸出双臂欢迎她。3.■丢掉,扔掉:I really must fling out all these old newspapers.我确实必须扔掉所有这些旧报纸。4.■匆匆离去;愤然离开(某地):She turned and flung out without a word.她转过身,一言不发就愤然离开了。5.■[口语]拒绝接受(建议、法律等):The new law was flung out when it reached the last stage in Parliament.新法在议会的最后阶段被否决了。6.■脱口而出:Why did you fling out that remark?你为什么脱口说出那个意见?7.■提出(建议等):At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion.最后主席提出了自己的建议。8.■(马等)乱踢,猛踢:Seeing him coming,the pony began to fling out.那匹小马看到他进来就开始又踢又跳。




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