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单词 duck 2
释义 duck2[dʌk]vi.1.■(为躲闪或躲避打击)忽地低下头,忽地弯下身(或弯腰);忽潜忽露,浮动:When the shooting started, they ducked behind a car.当射击开始时,他们急忙俯下身子,躲到一辆汽车的后面。I ducked when I saw the rock falling.当我看见石头落下时我忽地低下头。2.■躲避,躲闪,躲开:He didn't duck fast enough to avoid the rock.他躲避不及,被石块打中。3.■(鸭子似的)突然扎入水中,(突然把整个身子或头)潜入水中,忽地没入水里:He ducked under the hose and washed his face.他突然把头没入软管流出的水下洗脸。He ducked under and came up with a fish.他一头扎入水里,露出水面时手里拿着一条鱼。4.■突然下降:The road ducked into a small bridge.这条路突然向下延至一座小桥。5.■[口语]逃避,回避;逃走,潜逃,迅速离去,离开(out):He ducked out the back to avoid the reporters.他迅速离开后面以便回避记者。to duck out of an obligation逃避义务6.■屈服;畏缩;退却:She ducked before the strong opponent.她在强敌面前畏缩了。7.■[俚语]飞快地走,迅速行进;急冲;迅速躲进或进入(in, into):They ducked into the nearest house.他们闪进了最靠近的房子里。The boy ducked across the road.男孩冲过马路。8.■【桥牌】(本来能赢得某一牌墩时故意把这个牌墩)放掉vt.1.■忽地低下(头或身子);忽地弯下(身):He had to duck his head to get through the low doorway.他只得把头低下才能通过那低矮的门道。She ducked her head down as the shots rang out.当枪响时她忽地低下头。2.■把(人等)猛地按入水中,突然潜入水中:The young man ducked the small boy in the swimming-pool.在游泳池里,那年轻人把那小男孩往水里猛按。He ducked his head under the hose and washed off.他把头扎在软管流的水下洗干净。3.■[口语]逃避,回避;躲避,闪避(打击、责任、不愉快的任务等):He ducked the interviewers by sneaking out the back door.他偷偷从后门溜走才躲过了采访者。to duck an embarrassing question回避令人难堪的问题4.■【桥牌】放掉n.1.■(突然的)低头(或弯身,弯腰)2.■(把头或身体向水中)猛然的一扎(或一浸),潜水3.■逃避,回避,躲避,闪避




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