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单词 draw up
释义 draw up1.■拉起,提起,吊起(桥梁等);使靠近;使合拢,使交迭:The bridge is drawn up.桥已吊起。The boat was drawn up on the shore.这条小船被拉上了海滩。2.■把…拉过来,把…拉向前:Draw the chair up to the fire!把椅子拖到火堆跟前来。The horse drew the cart up the hill.马拉着车上山。3.■使(车、马等)停住;(车、马等)停下来:The car drew up at the traffic lights.见到红灯,汽车停了下来。I drew the horse up only just in time.我正好及时勒住了马。4.■写出;草拟,起草,拟定,拟订:to draw up the minutes of the meeting作会议记录to draw up a list of拟一份…的名单(或单子)5.■驱散;吸收:The sun drew up the mists from the river.太阳驱散了河上的薄雾。6.■逼近(to);追上(with):His car began to draw up.他的汽车开始赶上来了。7.■【军事】整队;排列成行:to draw up the soldiers in line把士兵们排列成队(或集合)8.■使(自己)站直:The soldier drew himself up to his full height.这名战士笔直地站立起来。




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