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单词 cat
释义 cat[kæt]n.1.■2.■【动物】猫科(Felidae)动物;(尤指)猫(Feliscatus)3.■猫皮4.■恶语伤人的女人,包藏祸心的女人,恶妇5.■= cat-o'-nine-tails6.■[美国英语]= catfish7.■双休船8.■= catboat9.■= tipcat10.■[C-][美国英语]= Caterpillar (tractor)11.■[美国俚语]爵士乐迷;爵士乐演奏者12.■[俚语]家伙,(尤指)男人13.■【航海学】吊锚绞辘14.■神出鬼没的惯偷,飞贼15.■双联三脚架16.■[美国俚语]流动工人17.■[俚语]妓女18.■[俚语]女性的外阴部19.■[非正式用语]【环保】催化式排气净化器,催化转化器(= catalytic converter)20.■[俚语](与脱氧麻黄碱相似的)猫毒vt.1.■把(锚)吊放在锚架上vi.1.■[俚语](男人)寻花问柳,勾搭妇女adj.1.■【环保】催化除污的A cat has nine lives.[谚语]猫有九命。(英国迷信,意指生命力强)a cat with nine lives有九条命的猫;富有生命力的人agree like cats and dogs[口语]像猫和狗一样合不来,完全合不来(as)melancholy as a cat非常忧郁(as) sick as a cat[口语]直想呕吐病得很厉害(as)weak as a cat身体非常虚弱bell the cat敢于在危险中挺身而出[源自《伊索寓言》],替别人冒险blowing cat[美国俚语]爵士乐师cat-and-dog life经常争吵的生活(特指感情不和的夫妇生活)cat in the pan[俚语]叛徒,变节者cats and dogs[美国俚语]价值低的股票;零星物品,杂物大量地;猛烈地(指下雨)enough to make a cat ([美国英语]horse) laugh连老猫都要笑掉牙,非常可笑enough to make a cat speak[口语]连猫都会讲起话来(意指事情出奇得令人惊讶,尤指美酒好得令人叫绝)fight like Kilkenny cats死拼到两败俱伤,打得同归于尽grin like a Cheshire cat咧着嘴傻笑,无缘无故地傻笑Has the cat got your tongue?[口语]你怎么不吭声?have other cats to whip还有别的事情要做Holy cats![口语](表示惊讶、愤慨等)啊!哎呀!It rains cats and dogs.大雨倾盆。jerk (或shoot) the cat[俚语](酒醉的人)呕吐let the cat out of the bag无意中泄露机密;说走了嘴like a cat in a strange garret[美国英语]极不自然like a cat on hot bricks像热砖上的猫,局促不安,如坐针毡like a scalded cat拼命逃走;到处乱窜like something the cat has brought in衣着肮脏的,衣冠不整的look like the cat that ate (或swallowed) the canary洋洋得意,自我陶醉not a cat in hell's chance (或not a cat's chance)毫无机会no room (或not room, not room enough) to swing a cat (in)没有转身的地方,地方狭窄old cat脾气很坏的老太婆play cat and mouse (或rat) with欲擒故纵put the cat among the pigeons (或 canaries)[英国口语]挑起纠纷,引起麻烦see which way (或how) the cat jumps看风使舵;观望;随机应变shoot (或jerk) the cat[俚语](因饮酒过多而)呕吐skin the cat[美国英语]【体操】(单杠)悬垂穿腿后翻或后悬垂从极窄小的洞爬过去That cat won't jump.[口语]这一手行不通。the cat's pyjamas (或whiskers)[俚语]正是需要的东西;正对头,妙极了turn (the) cat in (the) pan改变立场,叛变,变节[亦作 turn a cat in pan]wait for the cat to jump= see which way (或how) the cat jumpswalking back the cat[外交界俚语]在谈判中让步walk the cat back通过再现以前事件过程设法了解真相whip the cat挨门挨户找活儿做(指流动的裁缝、木匠等)紧抠开支,吝啬闲混,偷懒;磨洋工玩鬼把戏,恶作剧(酒醉的人)呕吐变形vt.cattedcatting




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