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单词 thaw
释义 thaw[θɔ:]vi.1.■(冰雪等)融化,融解;(冷冻食品) 解冻:The snow thawed in the sun.雪在阳光下融化了。The frozen chicken thawed out half an hour later.冻鸡半小时后解冻了。2.■[以 it 作主语表天气](气候)变得暖和使冰雪消融:It will probably thaw tomorrow.明天可能会转暖化雪。It is thawing.解冻了。3.■[口语](身体)渐渐变暖和:She thawed out by the fire.她在火边取暖。4.■(态度)变得温和;变得缓和;(行为)变得不拘束,(举止)随便:After the talk,Martin began to thaw out.谈话之后,马丁的态度开始缓和下来。After a good dinner,the guests began to thaw out.吃过一顿美餐,客人们开始变得不那么拘束了。vt.1.■使融化;使融解;使解冻:The sun at noon thawed the snow on the roof.中午的阳光融化了屋顶上的雪。She thawed out the frozen meat in the microwave oven.她用微波炉将冻肉化开。2.■使暖和:The girl thawed her frozen hands in front of the fire.女孩在火边让冻僵的手暖和起来。3.■使变得融洽;使变得缓和:A cup of coffee thawed out the guest.一杯咖啡使客人变得不那么拘束。Her hospitality thawed out his aloof manner.她的盛情缓和了他的冷淡态度。n.1.■融化;解冻2.■(在冬天或严寒地区足以解冻的)温暖气候3.■解冻时期4.■(紧张气氛和敌对态度的)缓和;(举止)随便近义词meltthe thaw(港湾、河流的冰雪)解冻首日




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