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单词 take out
释义 take out1.■拿出,取出,拔出:He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。to have a tooth taken out拔牙2.■扣除,除去;抽去:There are 22 working days,taking out weekends and holidays.扣掉周末和假日,还有22个工作日。He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money.他扣除自己的佣金后上缴余款。3.■去掉,除掉(污迹等);涤除:You can use petrol to take out that stain.你可以用汽油去掉那个污渍。to take out ink stains洗掉墨水印4.■消除,消灭;摧毁,毁灭(人、武器、建筑物或其他军事目标);抹去,使完结;【军事】压制(火力等):They planned to take out the enemy arsenal by bombing it.他们计划炸毁敌兵工厂。5.■[口语]邀(某人)出门;带…出去(游乐等);带…到公共场所(或社交场合);陪同(某人)外出运动(或游玩):He took his girl friend out to the pictures.他带女朋友出去看电影。I'll take you out to dinner.我要请你出去吃饭。6.■(通过申请等)取得;领得(护照、专利权等);办理(保险)手续:She took out a driving licence.她领到了驾驶执照。They took out marine insurance through American insurance firms.他们通过美国保险公司投保了海上保险。7.■接受…作为抵押:Part of their pay is taken out in houses.他们的部分工资是以住房偿付的。8.■发泄(与on连用):He took out his anger on his secretary.他朝秘书发泄怒气。She always takes her annoyance out on her husband.她总是把烦恼发泄到丈夫身上。9.■出发,启程:They took out for the train station.他们出发前往火车站。10.■开始奔跑;逃跑:He took out when he was badly needed.在非常需要他的时候他却跑掉了。11.■(道路等)伸展12.■[澳大利亚、新西兰俚语]赢得;接受13.■【桥牌】另叫花色以使(搭档)改叫牌:That was a clever move with your cards to take out your opponent.你的牌打得高明,让对手改叫牌。14.■[主美国英语]将(餐馆饭菜)买出外吃(或买回食用):I'd like a fish and chips to take out,please.劳驾,我买一份煎鱼和薯条带走。15.■败(兴等):That takes all the fun out of it.那太煞风景了。




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