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单词 swear
释义 swear[swεə]vi.1.■(凭上帝或圣经等)宣誓;发誓:I can swear by my reputation.我敢以我的名誉起誓。2.■发誓保证,郑重作保3.■诅咒,咒骂vt.1.■宣(誓):to swear an oath of office to the President宣誓就职总统事宜2.■发(誓),起(誓):to swear an oath on a Bible手按《圣经》发誓3.■起誓保证;立誓要做(或遵守):I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.我发誓我将忠于我的职守和我的祖国。to swear to fight against corruption立誓同腐败做斗争4.■发誓表示,起誓说;发誓证明:He swore that he was not the man who had killed off the red deer.他发誓说他不是那个杀死那只赤鹿的人。He swore it on the witness stand.他发誓他定会出庭作证。5.■[口语]肯定地说,保证:She swore she saw him putting the helicopter down in a corn-field.她肯定地说她看到他把那架直升飞机降落到了玉米地里。He swore he didn't take your pen.他保证他没动你的钢笔。6.■使宣誓,命…宣誓,以誓言约束:She swore me not to tell anybody about my secret.她向我发誓不把我的秘密告诉任何人。7.■诅咒得使,咒骂得使:He swore himself horse.他骂人骂得口干舌燥。8.■[废语]对(神)起誓n.1.■宣誓;起誓,发誓2.■誓言3.■诅咒,咒骂;一阵咒骂4.■骂人话not enough to swear by仅仅一点点儿,微不足道的swear a charge (或an accusation) against控告…并发誓该控告属实;向法院具结指控swear an oath=take an oathswear black is white硬把黑的说成是白的;强词夺理,固执谬见swear by all that is holy(或sacred)指天发誓swear by all the gods=swear by all that is holyswear fealty发誓效忠swear like a pirate (或trooper)[口语]破口大骂,肆意谩骂;不停地咒骂swear someone to secrecy (或silence)让某人誓守秘密swear the peace against【法律】控告…图谋行凶swear to it肯定是这样,断定如此变形vi.swore或swareswornswearing




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