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单词 sustain
释义 sustain[sə'stein]vt.1.■支撑,支持;承受…的压力(或重量):to sustain the main beam支撑主梁的重量2.■担负…的费用;承受(负担、指责等):to sustain the charges of travelling担负旅游的一切费用3.■蒙受,遭受(损失等):to sustain losses蒙受损失to sustain a misfortune遭受不幸4.■忍受;忍受住:to sustain the sufferings by force强忍心中的痛苦How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?对你上司的粗暴无礼你还能忍受多久?5.■保持,维持,使持续不断:to sustain a conversation一直不停地谈话to sustain one's sober mind保持头脑清醒6.■给…以力量(或勇气、信心等),鼓励,使振作:Sustained by you,I, at long last, finished my work.在你的支持鼓舞下,我终于完成了这部作品,7.■支援;救济:to sustain people in the afflicted area支援灾区8.■供养,为…提供食物(或生计),赡养:to sustain a family of five养活五口之家The poor man sustains himself by begging.那个可怜人以乞讨为生。9.■供应(机关、单位等):I am in charge of sustaining the first-aid centre with blood plasma.我负责为急救中心供应血浆。10.■确认,认可;(法院)确认…正当(或正确);准许:The judge sustained the lawyer's objection.法官确认律师反对成立。His request to be release on probation has not been sustained .他尚未获准假释。11.■证实,证明:The future will sustain my suspicion.事态的发展将会证明我的怀疑是对的。12.■扮演(角色);充分表演(人物)近义词support




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