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单词 strike out
释义 strike out1.■狠打;出击,猛扑:He struck out at his wife.他狠揍了他妻子一顿。If you can hit him on his eye he will strike out wildly,which would exhaust his strength.如果你能击中他的眼睛,他就会凶猛地进行反扑,这样就会耗尽他的体力。2.■敲打出(火花等);冲压成:to strike out sparks from the rocks在岩石上击出的火花the medal struck out冲压出的徽章3.■想出,设计出;毫不费力地搞出:We must strike out a practical plan of action.我们必须拟出一套切实可行的方案。4.■暴露,揭露,揭示:His plot has been struck out.他的阴谋败露了。5.■删去,划掉,勾掉:Strike out his name.勾掉他的名字。The first paragraph of my article has been struck out.我文章的第一段给删掉了。6.■出发;向…走去;开始行动:At dawn they struck out for the early arrival at Hannover.为早点到汉诺威,他们一大早就出发了。We have to strike out at once. Otherwise we won't be able to finish the work.我们必须马上开始工作,不然我们就完不成任务了。7.■开辟(…的道路);开业:to strike out a line of reform开辟一条改革的道路He decided to strike out his own office after he left the police.他离开警察局后,决定开一家他自己的侦探所。8.■(游泳时)用力划水,(用手脚)尽力游;(爬山时)奋力前进:He struck out across the river.他奋力游过了那条河。We struck out at the top of Venusberg.我们尽最大努力爬上了维纳斯山的山顶。9.■【棒球】三击不中退场,使三击不中出局10.■[英国英语]错过机会;失败:I must go.I won't strike out this time.我一定去,我不会错过这次机会的。I think you have to try.You won't strike out every time.我想你最好还是试一试,你不会每次都失败的。11.■[美国英语]失宠:He was blue and struck out with his boss.他心情忧郁,他在老板那里失宠了。




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