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单词 back up
释义 back up1.■(使)后退;倒退回去;倒(车):He backed up to the loading platform.他(把车)倒退到装货平台。2.■(使)倒着上:If you can't drive up the hill forwards, you'll have to back the car up.假如你不能把轿车正着开上山,就只好倒着开上去。3.■支持;援助;为…撑腰:John is expecting us to back him up at the next meeting.约翰期待我们在下次会议上支持他。4.■证实:Will you back up my story to the police?你愿证实我向警察讲述的情况吗?5.■补充:The argument is to be backed up by a lot of facts.这个论据将补充大量事实。6.■给…装上背衬:to back up a shopwindow with cardboard用卡纸垫衬商店橱窗背部to back up a bookcase with fibreboard用纤维板衬书橱背部7.■(使)积压,(使)拥塞,(使)阻塞,堵塞;(使)积滞,(使)聚集;使(车辆等)排成长龙:Mail is backing up at the post office.邮件积滞在那个邮局里。Traffic backed up for a mile.交通阻塞长达一英里。8.■[美国英语](流水受阻后)积聚上升起,积聚后倒流(或溢出),淤塞,泛滥;(障碍物等)阻挡(流水),使(流水)积聚上升:The flood water backed up the pipes for the dirty water.洪水使水管阻塞而倒流出了污水。9.■【航海学】拉紧(帆索未系住的一端):The boat is pulling away,back up there!船要松开了,把绳子拉紧!10.■【体育】(球员)给…补位,后退补位,跑到(本队球员)背后策应;接应:In football the linebacker backs up the linemen.在足球赛中后卫接应前锋。11.■【印刷】印(一印张的)反面12.■【计算机】作(数据文件的)备份,把…备份,制作(…的)后备软盘,备份复制,后备复制(数据)13.■[澳大利亚英语]重复(on)14.■[俚语](将注射器插在静脉里,把混入海洛因的血液)抽出或输入




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