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单词 run off
释义 run off1.■跑掉;迅速离开:You must run off now.The rain is coming.雨来了,你现在快走吧。2.■逃走;逃脱(责任等):Mike ran off when he heard that the police were hunting for him.迈克听说警方正在搜捕他,就逃跑了。3.■使(比赛等)进行;比完:The final of the 100 metres will be run off tomorrow.百米决赛将于明天举行。4.■快速写出(或背诵出):He could run off an article in an hour.他能在一小时内快速写出一篇文章。5.■印出;复印出;打印出:We have to run off a few copies of the letter on the duplicating machine.我们必须用复印机把这封信复印几份。6.■(使)流掉:You must first run off the water from the tank.首先必须把水从水槽中流掉。7.■驱逐,赶走:We saw a hare jumping into our garden and ran it off.我们看见一只野兔窜入花园里,便把它赶跑了。8.■偷偷赶走(牛、羊等):I heard someone running the cattle off last night.昨天夜里我听见有人偷偷把牛赶跑了。




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