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- bring…to a head
- bring…to a to an end
- bring…to book
- bring (或call) into being
- bring (或 call)into (或 in) action
- bring (或 call, put) into play
- bring (或 call) to mind
- bring (或 carry, give) light into
- bring(或carry,put) into effect
- bring (或carry,send) owls to Athens
- bring (或 come, get)into line
- bring(或 drive)one's pigs to a fine(或 pretty,the wrong 等)market
- bring (或 drive,put)someone to his wit's end
- bring(或 drive) to bay
- bring (或infuse) new blood into
- bring (或lay) a charge of something against someone
- bring(或let,take) someone down a peg (或 a peg or two)
- bring(或 lodge, lay) an accusation against
- bring(或 pull)up short
- bring (或 put) into force
- bring(或put,set)to rights
- bring (或 put) to stand
- bring (或 put) to the proof
- bring (或 put up, send) to the hammer
- bring (或throw) something into relief
- 风露泠泠、直欲便骖鸾
- 临川铜遇邹君,铜示我铜陵辨
- 夕阳归牧下,牛背笛声频
- 我今涉津涯,宴坐成休复
- 山阴有佳处,化谷穿林关
- 片时游外湖,适兴宜言返
- 轩轩意趣神气全,中寿亦过八十年
- 秋风袅袅露华鲜,去岁如今刺钓船
- 一饮天拚今日醉,万金不博五更眠
- 时纯熙矣,是用大介
- 送王昭祖国史吏部归丹阳七绝
- 蜀溪春(黄海棠)
- 宿山寺
- 和崔法曹建溪闻猿
- 思佳客(全美久不通,偶伯禧去,间录前所赋,复作一首)
- 率旧
- 反易
- 涝田
- 宫征
- 浄植