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单词 play
释义 play[plei]vi.1.■(动物)飞舞;轻快地动;跳来蹦去:Bees play about flowers.蜜蜂在花上飞来飞去。2.■(浪、光等)闪动;照耀;飘动;荡漾;摇晃:sunlight playing on the waves照耀在水波面上的阳光3.■(微笑等)浮泛(在脸上等);静静地过去:A smile plays on her lips.她嘴唇上浮泛着微笑。4.■娱乐;游戏;玩,玩耍:Ken's mother won't let him go out and play.肯的母亲不让他出去玩。5.■进行体育(或文娱)比赛;会某种体育活动;走棋;出牌;(运动员)以特定的方式做动作;(场地等)呈特定使用状态:He was invited for a game of poker, but he refused to play.他被邀去玩扑克牌, 但是他拒绝去打牌。The lawn plays well.草地适于打球。6.■赌博;打赌:to play for money赌钱7.■玩弄人(或物);作弄,戏弄;开玩笑:The boy played with his toy train.这孩子玩弄他的玩具火车。8.■演奏(乐器);弹奏;奏响;发出声音(尤指乐器奏鸣声):At that moment,the band began playing.就在那时,乐队开始演奏。9.■表演;演出;扮演角色:This is a drama that does not play well.这是一出没有演好的戏。10.■装扮;(尤指)假装:He played dead.他装死。11.■行动,举动;处置:Her hand was playing on the edge of the bed.她的手在床边抚摸着。12.■(戏剧)上演;(电台)广播:The movie is playing in Beijing.这部影片正在北京上演。13.■(机器部件等)运转自如:The wheel plays in a track.轮子在轨道上转动。14.■(接连)发射;喷射;照射 (与 on, over 或 along 连用):Scores of hoses played on the flames.几十根水龙带向火喷水。15.■施加影响:See that direct heat does not play on it.当心别让它直接受热。16.■(唱片、磁带等)放音:The radio was playing loudly.无线电音量开得很大。17.■[俚语]照办;合作:They'd come back and get her, if I didn't play with them.如果我同他们合作,他们还会再来抓她的。18.■[方言]停工;罢工;休假vt.1.■参加比赛,同…比赛;对抗:We are playing the Red Star School Team next Sunday.下星期日我们将同红星校队比赛。2.■【体育】3.■(体育比赛)站在(特定位置),(让…)担任(特定位置):He played centre forward.他担任中锋。4.■使…上阵;使参加比赛:The coach played him at centre.教练叫他担任中锋。5.■【体育】6.■击球,定(球)的方向:to play a wedge shot to the green用楔形球棒朝草地方向击球7.■【棒球】拾(球),接(球):to play the ball接住打出的棒球8.■【冰球、棒球】使(球)弹回:to play the ball off the backboard使球从后面的挡板弹回9.■玩,做(游戏):Let's play doctors and nurses.我们一起玩医生和护士的游戏。The children are playing soldiers.孩子们正在玩打仗游戏。10.■开(玩笑);嘲弄;玩弄;耍(恶作剧)造成,引起:Super-power is playing power politics.超级大国正在玩弄强权政治。to play havoc造成破坏11.■赌;打赌;对…打赌:He played his last dollar.他把最后一元钱都赌上了。12.■[美国英语]在…基础上行动:to play a hunch有一种预感13.■[美国英语] (在证券市场上)投机:to play the stock-market买卖股票14.■使跳动;使闪动;使飘动;使挥动:He played a searchlight upon the aeroplane.他向飞机打探照灯。15.■(接连)发射;使(泉水等)喷射:The firemen played their hoses on the burning building at the street corner.消防队员将水龙带对着街角燃烧的大楼喷射。16.■【牌戏】出牌;【象棋】走动(棋子):Shall I play my ace or queen?我出A还是出Q?17.■演出;上演(戏剧等);扮演,饰演:They are playing “Carmen”at Capital Theatre.他们在首都剧场上演《卡门》。18.■(指音乐)演奏;奏乐带领(迎送):He can play nearly every musical instrument.他几乎能演奏每一件乐器。19.■(留声机、唱片等)放音乐,开(收音机):I will play you a tape of his speech.我将给你放他的讲话录音。She plays her radio all day long.她整天开收音机。20.■装扮;充当;装得像…:to play the hero逞英雄21.■进行;做干:They're always playing the fool.他们总是做蠢事。22.■(灵敏地或用劲地)使用;挥舞(刀、剑等):to play a good fork and knife大吃23.■(作决定或办事时)把注下在…上;凭借:His success plays his luck instead of his skill.他取得的成功靠的是运气而不是技术。24.■对待,处置,处理:The senior revolutionary can play the situation coldly.资深的革命者冷静地对付局势。25.■[美国英语]利用played him for a fool利用他干蠢事26.■让上钩的(鱼)不停地拉动钩线而致疲乏;得当地操纵:He played the poor fish until it rolled, belly up, from exhaustion.他让那可怜的鱼儿挣扎,直到肚子朝天、精疲力竭为止。n.1.■跳动;波动;闪动;飘动2.■活动的范围(或余地);(尤指)【机械学】间隙;游隙;游动3.■活动;运动;操作;运转;(才智的)运用4.■游戏,玩耍,消遣(尤指儿童的自发活动)5.■玩笑;玩弄;花样,把戏6.■(体育等)比赛;比赛的方法(或步骤、策略和动作);比赛的进程;(球、棋等比赛中的)打法,走法7.■剧本;戏剧;表演;8.■赌博9.■(投机)交易(活动);花样;计策10.■作用;影响11.■(唱机等的)放音12.■失业,休业;罢工,停工;休假13.■轻快的活动(或移动);晃动,摇曳;变幻14.■(刀、枪等的)挥动,挥舞15.■(新闻媒介等的)着重报道,宣传16.■[废语]调戏;性交17.■[美国俚语]追求(女性);诱惑近义词sportfrolicrompgambolallow full play to使…充分活动(或发挥),让…充分发挥a boy's play见 boya play on (或 upon) words双关语,俏皮话as good as a play像看戏那么有趣;非常有趣;很好玩at play在游戏,在玩耍be in full play在全力运转中;正在积极进行中;正在繁忙紧张时;正起劲bring (或 call, put) into play使发生作用;发挥;发扬;发动;调动child's play儿戏;简单容易的事come into play开始活动;开始起作用;开始有(或发生影响)damn a play(观众)骂戏剧,认为某戏剧一文不值fair play公平的(或按照规则的)比赛[比喻]公平对待;条件均等;光明磊落foul (或false) play不公平的(或不按照规则的)比赛[比喻]欺骗手段;卑鄙行为gallery play哗众取宠;蛊惑人心;迎合听众(或观众)趣味的表演give free play to使任意活动;使任意发挥;放任;发泄give (full) play to(充分)发挥,发扬;让…放任自流;让…自由发泄go out of play【体育】(球)出界[参见 out of play]go to the play去看戏grand-stand (或 grandstand) play[美国口语](打球时旨在博得观众喝彩的)花架子动作哗众取宠的作为have (got)…to play with[口语]有(钱、时间)可供支配high play下大笔赌注的赌博;输赢很大的赌博hold (或 keep) someone in play使某人工作下去;使某人忙得喘不过气牵制(敌人等);使某人分心;用次要事情转移某人对主要问题的注意力in play在…起作用;在…产生影响;被卷入 (与 be 连用)【体育】 处于比赛状态;不是死球(按规则可继续比赛)[参见 out of play](纸牌)尚在手中未打出开玩笑似的,不认真地活动中,忙碌中make a play for[美国口语]对异性卖弄风骚;以色情引诱;勾引设法把…搞到手,想尽办法获得make play加紧工作;有效地行动;加速,加快,赶快【体育】激励落后者(或追逐者)用劲赶【拳击】猛击对手牵制强调make play with过分强调(或夸大);(在讨论或辩论中)故意卖弄out of play(球赛中)死球(按规则可暂停比赛)play a double game口蜜腹剑play a good stick会使一手好剑play a lone hand见 handplay a part见 partplay advantages over someone[美国英语]骗人play (at) fast and loose (with)(拿…)当儿戏;玩弄(某人的感情等);反复无常play ball见 ballplay booty见 bootyplay both ends against the middle见 endplay by ear见 earplay cricket见 cricketplay down on=platy it low down onplay down to someone故意对某人态度谦和(使他不觉得自卑以博得他的支持或好感)play ducks and drakes见 duck(s) and drake(s)played out结束耗尽,用完play fair【体育】公平(或规矩)地比赛 [亦作 play the game ]公平对待;公平办事;磊落行事;光明正大[亦作 play cricket ]play first (second) fiddle(to)见 second fiddleplay for kingdom(或empire)争天下play for love(非赌博性地) 玩,打(牌等)play for money赌钱play for one's own hand见 handplay for safety见 safetyplay for time拖延时间(以等待有利时机)play forward【板球】前进接球play foul (foully, false)玩(打)得不规矩,作弊play gemes见 game¹play Hamlet (或 hamlet)=play hell[见 hell]play hard[美国俚语]不择手段;行为卑鄙play hard to get[口语]故意装出难以接近的样子(以鼓励对方作进一步追求)故意装出不肯合作的样子(以加强自己的地位)play high出大牌参加输赢很大的赌博play hookey[美国英语]逃学;怠工play house见 houseplay into each other's hands互相渔利;互相勾结play into the hands of someone见 handplay it假装play it (或 one's cards) close to the chest对自己的意图或行为秘而不宣;做事小心谨慎play it cool[美国俚语]不表态;采取从容不迫的(或清高冷漠的)态度play it (low) on[俚语]利用…的弱点进行欺骗;用卑鄙的手段欺骗[亦作 play (low) down on, play it low (down) on (或 upon) ]play (it) safe在牌戏中稳扎稳打谨慎行事;采取稳妥措施play off a match见 matchplay off and on with一会儿戴上一会摘下;时而脱下时而穿上play of words玩弄词藻,堆砌华丽空洞的词藻play old gooseberry with见 gooseberryplay one's cards badly处理不好;拙于运筹play one's cards well (或right)办事高明;做事有心计;处理得当[见 card]play oneself in(运动员刚上场参赛时) 使自己适应比赛场地使自己适应环境play one's hand for all it is worth尽心竭力,尽全力play one's hunch见 hunchplay on someone[罕用语]哄骗某人拿某人开玩笑play on (或 upon) words俏皮话;双关语说俏皮话;说双关语play opposite演与男(或女)主角相对的女(或男)主角;与(某人)搭档演出,与(某人)演对手戏play out of the cabbage[美国英国]【高尔夫球】从难打的地方把球打出play out time见 timeplay over one's head[美国英语]得到预料不到的好成绩play politics见 politicsplay possum见 possumplay safe采取稳妥谨慎的措施play someone as(在比赛中)用某人担任…play someone for[美国口语]把某人当作…来利用;为…利用某人play someone foul (或 false)(在竞技、赌博中)对某人作诈对某人虚情假意;欺骗(或蒙蔽)某人play someone in (或 out)奏乐迎某人进场(或送某人出场)play second奏第二小提琴居次要地位;扮次要的角色play sharp on someone[美国口语] 以狡猾手段欺骗某人play smash with[美国口语]摧毁;撞毁play the deuce with见 deuceplay the devil with见 devilplay the field见 fieldplay the fool见 foolplay the game见 game¹play the man见 manplay the market[美国英语]投机;买空卖空play the mischief with见 mischiefplay the races见 raceplay the (very) dickens with见 dickensplay the violin叹苦经想得到人们的同情play (the) way见 wayplay to the gallery见 galleryplay truant见 truantplay upon words=play on wordsplay with fire见fireplay with loaded dice见 diceplay with marked cards见 cardplay with oneself[口语] 手淫




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