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- catchweed
- catchweight
- catch wind of
- catchword
- catchwork
- catchy
- catch you later
- catch (或 arrest) someone’s attention
- catch(或claw)hold of
- catch(或 clutch,grasp,seize,snatch)at a straw(或 straws)
- catch (或 cop,get,stop) a packet
- catch (或 get) a glimpse of
- catch(或 get)hell
- catch (或 get, see) the drift of
- catch (或 get,take) it in the neck
- catch(或have,hold,seize,take) by the throat
- catch (或missed) the post
- catch (或 seize, take) occasion by the forelock
- catch (或 seize, take) opportunity by the forelock
- catch (或 seize,take) time by the forelock
- catch (或 take) a chill
- catch(或take) one's death (of cold)
- catch(或take)someone red-handed
- catch (或take) the fancy of someone
- catclaw
- 品画临书亦自忙,得君兰卷喜如狂
- 骖鸾乘月,正好同归去
- 仍此宵衣及旰食,深予保泰与持盈
- 艺苑当年兴未孤,何来风物共茱萸
- 向也正墙面
- 细雨润琅玕,彷佛渭川曲
- 楚王神女知何在,云锁巫山十二峰
- 黯如入土色,叩作戛木声
- 内省若斯,何忧可惧
- 寄言飞将军,妙略应无比
- 题木刻屏·其三·鱼罾徐举
- 赐浙闽总督喀尔吉善
- 除夜求屠苏
- 伤春四首
- 浪淘沙(和上元王仇香猷、含山邵梅仙有焕叙别)
- 曷为
- 脯燔
- 两岸
- 砥磨
- 纷猋