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单词 paint
释义 paint[peint]n.1.■颜料;涂料2.■绘画作品3.■干块颜料4.■油漆;漆皮5.■口红;胭脂等化妆品6.■(演员演出时用的)油彩7.■色彩;装饰;修饰8.■[主美国西部英语]杂色马,花马vt.1.■涂色于;油漆;涂饰to paint the window油漆窗户The room was painted white,with green shutters.屋里漆成白色,而百叶窗则是绿色。2.■画;绘画:paint a landscope from nature画一幅风景写生He painted four large canvases in two days.两天里他画了四幅大油画。3.■(用语言、文字等)描写;描绘:to paint a scene描写一个场面His letters paint a wonderful picture of his life in China.他在信里描绘了他在中国的美好生活。4.■刷(标语等):to paint slogans on the wall在墙上刷标语5.■(用油漆、涂料等)修整、装饰、点缀:The city has been painted up for the Spring Festival.为欢度春节市容已修饰一新。6.■(用油漆、涂料等)涂掉;刷掉;覆盖;掩盖:to paint defects掩饰过失、错误、文过饰非7.■搽,敷(药),搽药于…:to paint a wound with ointment (or iodine)用软膏(或碘酒)搽伤口to paint antiseptic on the cut在刀口上搽上抗菌剂8.■擦脂粉(或化妆品):She painted her lips.她涂了口红。vi.1.■油漆;涂漆2.■(用颜料等)绘画:to paint in oils (in water colours)画油画(或水彩画)He painted or read all day.他整天作画或读书。3.■搽粉;涂脂抹粉,化妆4.■[口语]脸红as fresh as (new) paint精神饱满的,精力充沛的as handsome (或 pretty) as paint非常漂亮be not so black as one is painted没有人们所说的那么坏[见black]nose paint[美国俚语]酒(尤指威士忌)paint a black (rose) picture of对…持悲观(或乐观)的看法paint in glowing colour把事情描绘得非常有光彩paint in one's true colour按(某人、某事)的真相描绘paint it red[俚语]把事情弄得引人注目;描写得天花乱坠paint someone black把某人渲染成坏蛋;诬蔑某人paint someone (oneself) into a corner使某人(自己)陷入困境[见corner]paint someone with his warts全面评价某人,毫无掩饰地把某人描绘出来paint something out(用油漆、涂料等)涂掉(某物)paint something red把某事物描绘成骇人听闻的样子;把某事物弄得引人注目paint (或 gild) the lily作过分的修饰;画蛇添足paint the town (red)[美国俚语]狂欢作乐;(尤指去酒吧,夜总会)狂饮,酗酒胡闹painted pictures are dead speakers图画是不出声的发言者;图中传神处,尽在不言中




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