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单词 meet 1
释义 meet1[mi:t]vt.1.■遇见;遇到;与…迎面相逢:I met an old school friend today.今天我遇到了一位老校友。I had never met a foreigner who spoke such perfect English.我从未遇到过英语说得如此好的外国人。2.■迎接;出迎:I'll meet you off the train.我会去火车站接你。I met her plane.我到机场接她。3.■碰到;触及;与…接触:The two cars met head-on.这两辆汽车迎面相撞。The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.垂直线与水平线在此相交。4.■与…会合;(约定地点或时间)和…会面:They continue to meet daily.他们继续每天相会。I'll meet you at the hotel.我将在旅馆和你会面5.■(经介绍)和…见面;与…相识;结识:I know of her but I have never met her.我知道她但和她不相识。Goar, meet Mr Gollong.戈尔,这是戈隆先生。6.■与(某人目光)相遇;正视:He could not meet his father's eye.他不敢正视父亲的目光。I could't meet his eyes.我不能接触他的目光。7.■(河、路等)和…连接;和…汇合;和…交叉:Turn right where the highway meets the dirt road.在公路和土路交叉的地方向右拐弯。8.■和…会谈:They are ready to meet the official mediator.他们准备和官方调解人会谈。9.■与…对抗;与…交手;和…比赛:These boxers last met in the world title match last year.这些拳击手上一次交手是在去年的世界锦标赛上。10.■被(眼睛、耳朵、鼻子等器官)感觉到;(景象等)出现在…面前:A terrible sight met her eyes as she entered the room.她走进房间时看到一个可怕的景象。A pungent odour met their nostrils.他们闻到一种刺鼻的气味。11.■同意;满足(需求);达到(目标):Will there be sufficient stocks to meet our demand?有足够的存货满足我们的需求吗?12.■应付;对付;驳倒;反对:They met force by force.他们以暴力对付暴力。She met his criticism with indifference.她以无动于衷的态度对待他的批评。13.■支付;偿付:His father could not meet his bills.他父亲无力偿还欠账。He met his debts.他偿付了债务。14.■和…意见一致;符合(标准):She didn't meet the qualifications for membership.她不符合入会条件。15.■遭到;遭受;经历:She met her death in a road accident.她在一次交通事故中丧生。vi.1.■相会;相遇:They met at the party.他们在聚会上相遇。They met at the station.他们在车站相遇。2.■接触;相撞:We haven't met for 10 years.我们有10年未见面了。3.■开会;集合;聚会:The cabinet meets regularly.内阁定期开会。They met to hear the speech.他们集合听演讲。4.■相识;结识;认识:He believes they met.他确信他们认识。5.■(河流、路)互相连接,会合,相交:The two roads meet north of Goodman.这两条路在古德曼以北相交。6.■(多种品质)并存:Many virtues meet in the old man.这位老人具备多种美德。7.■比赛;交手;交战:France and Spain will meet in the soccer cup final.法国队和西班牙队将在足球锦标赛决赛中交锋。8.■意见相互一致n.1.■会;集会;运动会2.■与会者;集会的人;会众3.■会场4.■(狩猎前猎人和猎犬的)集合5.■[美国英语](相向而行的两列火车的)交会点6.■【数学】交集7.■[美国俚语]爵士乐即兴演奏会8.■[俚语](非法交易的)约会,碰头;碰头地点make (both) ends meet见 end¹meet someone halfway在半路上迎接某人迁就某人,对某人做出让步,和某人妥协过早担忧某事Well met![古语]幸会!幸会!(对久想见到的人的招呼语)变形vt.metmeeting




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