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单词 lie 1
释义 lie1[lai]vi.1.■躺;卧;平躺;平卧;横卧(常与 down 连用):She is lying in bed with a severe cold.她因重感冒躺在床上。2.■处于某种状态(或地位):The town lay in ruins after a heavy bombardment.在猛烈轰炸以后城镇成了一片废墟。3.■(物体)被平放,平放在;平放着:The novel is lying on the table.小说平放在桌子上。4.■存在于;在于(常与 in 连用):The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.根本出路在于改革开放。5.■位于:The supermarket lies opposite our college.超市正对着我们学院。Canada lies to the north of America.加拿大在美国以北。6.■展现;伸展:The road lies to the east.道路向东伸展。7.■在于;存在;所在:They don't know where their weaknesses lie.他们不知道他们的弱点所在。8.■被埋葬;长眠于:The martyr lies in the cemetery.烈士被葬在公墓。9.■(比赛时)占名次:Japan lies third in the quarter-final.在四分之一决赛时日本排第三。10.■(船只)停泊:The pleasure boat is lying at anchor.游艇正抛锚停泊着。11.■(部队)驻扎;设营12.■(风)保持某一方向;位于特定方向:We should first see where the wind lies.我们应该首先看看风向如何。13.■【法律】(诉讼、上诉等)成立;可受理:a civil action that will not lie不被受理的民事诉讼14.■(鸟等)(在猎人或猎狗接近时)蹲着,不飞走15.■[古语]过夜;投宿;留宿;逗留;稍事停留16.■[古语]性交 (与 with 连用)n.1.■位置;状态;方向2.■兽穴:(动物的)栖息处,隐藏处3.■【高尔夫球】球的位置4.■[英国英语]躺;休息时间as (或 so) far as in me lies[口语]尽力,尽我所能,尽我力量lie at someone's door见 doorlie at death's door在死神的门口,行将就木,快要死了lie at (或 on) the catch埋伏以待;设陷阱捕捉lie by the heels坐牢,被监禁lie dead隐藏着lie doggo见 doggolie down on the job偷懒;不干活;不卖力;磨洋工lie heavy (或 hard) on (或 to, upon)压迫;使痛苦;使烦恼;使…不安,对…加重负担lie idle不活动;被搁置不用;(资金)呆滞lie in a nutshell一言以蔽之;容易讲清楚lie low见 lowlie on the bed one has made自作自受;自食其果 [亦作 As you make your bed, so you must lie in (或 on) it.]lie in store (for)(某事)将要发生(于某人)lie open开着;暴露着take…lying down甘心屈服,甘心忍受 (惩罚、侮辱、冤枉等);俯首屈从于;逆来顺受the lie of the land= the lay of the land [见lay]变形vi.laylainlying




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