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单词 lay off
释义 lay off1.■[美国英语](暂时)解雇,(辞退)工人;使…下岗:Another 1,000 workers were laid off when the machinery plant was in difficulties.这家机械厂陷入困境时,又解雇了1 000名工人。2.■不再穿(衣服等),脱掉(衣物);把…搁在一边:The day was so warm that I had to lay off my garment.天气太热,我只得脱掉外套。3.■[美国俚语]休息,休养;停止工作:The doctor advised the patient to lay off for a month after the operation.医生建议病人在手术后休息一个月。4.■停止批评(或嘲笑);停止打扰;不再打搅;使不再烦恼:She is in a mood.Lay off her,will you?她心情不好,别再烦她了,行不行?5.■停止,放弃;戒绝:She forced her husband to lay off smoking and drinking.她迫使她丈夫戒烟戒酒。6.■划分…的边界;给…标界;划出(场地);标绘:The municipal government laid off a park and a swimming pool on the lot.市政府在这块地上划出一个公园和一个游泳池。7.■【造船】给(船及其部件)放样:to lay off a plan给平面图放样8.■(船)停泊港外;将(船)驶离岸边、码头或另一艘船:The harbour was blockaded,so the ships had to lay off.港口被封锁了,船只只得在港外停泊了。9.■认购(向公司股东提供的新股票)以减少股票承购人的责任;分担(风险);[俚语](赌场老板为减少损失)将赌注分让给别的赌场老板10.■(在初刷油漆的上面)再均匀地刷上一层11.■【足球】传(球):The midfielder laid the ball off for Maradona.中场队员把球传给马拉多纳射门。12.■因抵消风力(或因目标移动)而故意偏向一边瞄准13.■初跑时控制速度14.■将(耕地)改成(牧场等)15.■滔滔不绝地发表激昂演说




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