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单词 hijack
释义 hijack['haidʒæk]vt.1.■拦路抢劫(运输中的货物);抢劫(走私物品、走私者等):They tried to hush up the matter they hijacked a lorry driver.他们想尽各种方法掩盖他们曾抢劫过一名卡车司机的事实。He didn't mention that he was hijacked in the street.他没有提起他在大街上被人抢劫一事。2.■劫持(飞机等交通工具):A plane with 125 passengers was hijacked in the air.满载125名乘客的一架民航机在空中被劫持。Don't fire!He hijacked a girl as a hostage.别开枪!他劫持了一名女孩子作人质。3.■胁迫;强制:He tried to hijack the guard into handing him the keys of the safe.他企图胁迫警卫人员交出保险箱的钥匙。She was hijacked into the car.她被强行推进了汽车。4.■(为牟取私利而)剽窃…的设想(或主张):Tom hijacked Daniel's ideas and made up a plan and handed up to the board of directors.汤姆窃取了丹尼尔的想法并将其写成规划上交了董事会。5.■向…敲诈勒索:to hijack one's subordinates敲诈下级vi.1.■拦路抢劫2.■劫持n.1.■拦路抢劫2.■(对行驶中的交通工具尤指飞机的)劫持3.■威逼,胁迫4.■敲诈,勒索;剽窃5.■=hijacker [亦作 highjack]




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