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aberrant aberrant behavior aberrated aberration aberrationist
aberration of intellect aberration of light aberration of starlight Aberystwyth Abe's
ab esse abessive abet abetalipoproteinemia abet in
abetment abettal abetter a better man never trod this earth a better man never trod this earth(或shoe leather)
a better man never trod this shoe leather a better world abettor abextra abeyance
abeyant abfarad ABFM Abgatha Abgrenzung
abhenry abherent Abhidhamma, Pitaka ab hodierno ab hoe et ab håe
abhominable abhor abhorrence abhorrence of abhorrent
abhorrent from abhor-rently abhorrent to abhorrent to (或 from) Abiathar
Abib abidance abidance by abide abide at
abide by abide in a bider abide with abid-ing
abiding Abidjan Abie abient abient behavio(u)r
Abies Abietate abietic Abigail a big card
a big pot a big ticket item a big (或 great) card a big (或large) ticket item Abihu
Abilene abilitism ability -ability ability gap
ability grouping ability profile a bill of privilege Abimelech ab imopectore
ab inconvenienti ab incunabulis Abingdon abingdon law Abington
ab init. ab initio Abinoam ab intra abiocoen
abiogenesis abiogenetic abiogenic abiogenist abiological
abioseston abiosis abiotic abiotic environment abiotic factor
abiotrophy a bird in hand a bird in the bush a bird in the hand a bird in (the) hand
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird is known by its note,and a man by his words. A bird may be known by its song. abirritant abirritate
Ab ishag, Abisag a bit a bit and a sup (a)bit and (a) sup a bit and sup
a bit at a time a bitch in heat Ab itibi a biting tongue a bit much
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