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absorptivity-emissivity ratio absquatulate abs quickly ABS resin
abstain abstain from abstemious abstention abstentionism
absterge abstergent abstersion abstersive abstinence
abstinence from abstinence symptoms, abstinence symptome abstinence syndrome abstinence theory abstinency
abstinent abstr. abstract abstract algebra abstract art
abstract automata theory abstract away from abstract data type abstracted abstracted form(s)
abstract expressionism abstract expressionist abstract expressionist sculpture abstract film abstract from
abstract idea abstract illusionism abstract impressionism abstract impressionist abstracting
abstracting process abstracting service abstraction abstractionism abstractionist
abstraction monger abstractive abstractive knowledge abstract language abstract music
abstract noun abstract number abstract of title abstract science abstract space
abstract terms (或 words) abstract theory abstrict abstriction abstruse
abstrusity absurd absurdism absurdist absurdist theatre
absurdities test absurdity absurd theatre (或 theater) abt. abT
ABTA abterminal abtesla Abt track ABU
Abu-Bakr abubble Abu-Bekr Abu Dhabi Abu Hanifa
abuilding Abukir Abukuma-type facies abulia Abul kasim
a bull in a china shop a bull point A bully is always a coward. Abumeron a bump on a log
a bum rap Abuna a bunch of a bunch of fives a bunch of malarkey
abundance Abundance,like want,ruins many. abundance of abundance ratio abundant
abundant in abundant number abundant year a bundle of a bundle of nerves
a bun in the oven ab uno disce omnes abura aburbe condita A burden of one's choice is not felt.
a burden on a burden on (或 upon,to) a burden to a burden upon A burnt child dreads the fire.
a burr under the saddle A bursary aburton Abury abusage
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