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单词 drum up
释义 drum up1.■[口语] 兜揽 (生意等),招徕(顾客等):They were trying to drum up new business.他们正在努力兜揽新生意。We are offering reductions on merchandise in an effort to drum up trade.我们正在削价销售商品以招徕生意。2.■[口语]竭力争取 (选票、支持等):to drum up support for a cause竭力争取对某项事业的支持to drum up public enthusiasm for the candidate激起公众对这位候选人的热情3.■征集,(击鼓) 纠集,召集:to drum up subscribers for a dictionary为一本词典征求订户to drum up recruits征募新兵4.■激起,鼓动:We were unable to drum up enthusiasm for the new policies.我们无法激起对新政策的热情。They were busy canvassing and drumming up sentiment against the new government.他们当时正忙于游说,挑起对新政府的不满情绪。5.■编造,捏造;杜撰;找到:to drum up some lame excuse for为…编造一些站不住脚的借口to drum up a new method想出一个新方法6.■[古语] 【军事】 鸣鼓召集,(击鼓)集结7.■[俚语] 用野营铁罐沏茶8.■[澳大利亚俚语] 给…暗示;通知




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