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单词 draw in
释义 draw in1.■吸进,吸入(空气等);缩入;拉进,拉回(渔网等):to draw in a deep breath深深地吸一口气to draw in the nets full of fish拉回装满鱼的渔网2.■(天)渐黑,渐近黄昏:Hours passed and the evening is drawing in.好几个小时过去了,快接近黄昏了。3.■(白昼)渐短:The autumn evenings are drawing in.秋天的黄昏逐渐变短。In autumn the days begin to draw in.到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。4.■缩短,缩小:The overcoat has to be drawn in to fit him.这件大衣得改小些才合他的身。5.■吸引;诱使加入,诱使…参加(或进入);诱骗;引诱:The film drew in large crowds.这部影片吸引了大批观众。The other players were drawn in.其他运动员也被说服参加。6.■紧缩(开支),减少(费用等),节(支);收款,变得更谨慎:We must drawn in a bit;we're spending too much.我们必须紧缩一点,我们花费太多了。7.■收回(欠款):to draw in all of the money the bank has lent收回银行的全部贷款8.■(火车等)进站,到达:The train drew in.火车徐徐进站。9.■(汽车)到达;开到路边停止;(汽车)靠边行驶:The car drew in to let the buses pass.这辆轿车靠边行驶,让几辆公共汽车过去。10.■勾画出,画…的草图11.■收小(袜头等)




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