释义 |
draw back1.■拉开(窗帘、幕布等):She drew back the curtain.她拉开窗帘。2.■向后移动,后退,后缩:The crowd drew back as the tank approached.当坦克靠近时,这群人就往后退缩。She drew back her foot from the step.她从台阶上退了下来。3.■(因没有把握或害怕等)缩回,撤回;退却:At the sight of the blood he drew back in horror.他一看到血就惊恐地连忙后退。4.■使保持距离:She drew back from him at the dancing party.在舞会上她与他保持距离。5.■撤回,收回,取消,不遵守(诺言、协议等):It's too late to draw back from the plan.现在要退出那计划已为时太晚。to draw back from its agreement撤回原协议6.■收回(已付的关税等)(指已交纳进口税的商品重新出口时,其原来交纳的税款可以收回) |