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单词 do without
释义 do without1.■不干(某事);不吃;不用;缺乏,没有:In her work she cannot do without a computer.她工作不能没有电脑。2.■没有…而设法对付过去,没有…也行,没有…也无妨:A car is something we can't do without.没有汽车我们是不行的。We'll just have to do without a car until they fix it.在他们把汽车修理好之前,我们只好没有汽车而设法对付过去。3.■将就,设法对付过去:We haven't enough money to buy a new apartment, so we'll just have to do without.我们没有足够的钱买一套新公寓房间,所以只好将就了。The store doesn't have any, so you'll have to do without.商店里什么都没有,所以你只好将就了。4.■希望没有,用不着,不要[与 can, could 连用,常含有厌恶之意]:I can do without your advice, if you don't mind.要是你不介意,我用不着你的劝告。5.■放弃,摒弃,省掉:During the flood we had to do without luxuries.水灾期间我们不得不舍弃奢侈品。We'll just have to do without for a while.我们只好暂时省掉。6.■没有;缺少;没有…而凑合过去;没有…也能行




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