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- have…in the wind
- have … on one's back
- have …to play with
- have … up one's sleeve
- have (或 be) a shingle short
- have (或 be) on (或 upon) one's mind
- have (或 carry,get) a load on
- have (或 carry) the guns for
- have (或 cast, let go, lay) an anchor to windward
- have(或catch,get)the bot
- have (或claim,demand) one's pound of flesh
- have (或 cop)an attitude
- have(或display)an admiration for
- have (或 gain,get) access to
- have (或get)a broom in(或up)one's ass(或tail)
- have (或 get) a buzz on
- have (或 get) a call upon
- have (或 get) a life
- have (或 get) a look-in
- have (或 get) a pash (或 crush) on
- have(或get, gain, win) someone's ear(s)
- have(或 get,keep)someone on a(或 the)string
- have(或 get,keep)the weather gauge of
- have(或get,obtain)the floor
- have (或get) one's ass in a crack
- 好是霜天晓
- 堪笑一场颠倒梦,元来恰似浮云
- 昭回云汉光正浮,万象不足供雕锼
- 忆昔共艰阨,我躯犹子身
- 吴侯七闽英,宰县有真趣
- 葱葱标生意,簇簇挺贞干
- 桂楫中流望,京江两畔明
- 天汉二年,赤光生栗
- 枯木萧疏下夕阳,漫烧飞叶煮黄鲿
- 我适归未得,此别那不思
- 赐随营众臣及江南大小吏食得句示志
- 句
- 次韵子厚弟喜雨行赠赵守端质
- 偈颂三十八首
- 密云
- 怱怱
- 凑巧
- 惩忿窒欲
- 出污泥而不染濯青莲而不妖
- 陈辞