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单词 agree
释义 agree[ə'ɡri:]vi.1.■(对提议、计划、条件等)表示同意,赞成(to); (对意见等)表示赞同(with):I cannot agree with your opinions.我不能同意你的观点。Do you agree to the conditions?你同意这些条件吗?2.■(意见)相同,(与某人)持相同意见,持一致看法(with):I agree with him.我的意见和他的相同。I don't agree with you.我不同意你的意见。3.■(就价钱、条件等)达成协议,商定 (about, on, upon):They have agreed on the terms of surrender.他们就投降条件达成了协议。The two groups agreed on a cease-fire.两派达成了停火协议。4.■表示愿意,应允,答应:I agree to leave at once.我答应即刻离开。5.■(性情等)投合;相符,相同,一致(with):This story agrees with his.这个叙述与他的叙述一致。The play does not agree with the book.这个剧本与原著不相符。6.■和睦相处:They can't agree well.他们无法和睦相处。7.■(食物、气候等)相宜,适宜,适合(with):The food did not agree with her.这种食物不合她的胃口。The climate agrees with me fairly well.这气候对我非常适宜。8.■【语法学】(在性、数、人称或格方面)一致,响应(with):In “The boy runs”, boy is a singular noun and runs agree with it in number.在 “The boy runs” 此句中,boy 是单数名词, runs 在数方面与它呼应。An adjective must agree with its noun in mumber and case.形容词在数和格方面必须符合其所修饰的名词。vt.1.■造成,同意;承认[后接名词从句]:I agree that she is the ablest of us.我承认她是我们之中最能干的一个。The boy agrees that his elder sister is much clever than him.这个男孩承认他姐姐比他聪明得多。2.■[主英国英语]对…达成协议,就…取得一致意见;对(提议、计划、条件等)表示同意;对(意见等)表示赞同:I must agree your plans.我应该赞成你的计划。We agree the stipulations.我们就协定取得一致意见。3.■认定(账目、数字等)正确无误;使和谐一致:to agree the balance sheet with the record弄平资产负债表和流水账近义词conformaccordcorrespondharmonizecoincidetally反义词differAgree, for the law is costly.[谚语]和解好,官司代价高。agree to differ (或 disagree )同意各自保留不同意见(不再说服对方),同意保留不同意见agree like cats and dogs水火不容,完全合不来变形vi.agreedagreeing




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