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单词 come out
释义 come out1.■出来;出现:The stars came out as soon as it was dark.天一黑星星就出来了。2.■开花;发芽:Some flowers have begun to come out.有些花现在已经开始开花了。3.■出版;发表:That magazine comes out every Monday.那份杂志每星期一出版。4.■透露,传出;公之于世;(真相)大白:The truth has come out at last.真相终于大白。5.■显出,显露,露出6.■初次进入社交界;初次登台;初露锋芒7.■结果是,结局:How did the movie finally come out?这部电影最后的结局如何?8.■考试结果…,考第…名:She came out first in the examination.这次考试她考第一名。9.■(照片)照得(好坏),洗出(清晰等):Everyone came out well in the wedding photograph except the bridegroom.在结婚照片中除了新郎以外人人照得都不错。10.■(算术题)被算出,被解出:Will you help me with this sum? It won't come out.你能帮助我算这道算术题吗?这道题算不出来。11.■洗掉;褪色:Ink stains don't usually come out.墨水的斑点一般都洗不掉。12.■罢工:The workers are coming out for more pay.工人们为了增加工资正在罢工。13.■[俚语]公开搞同性恋爱,公开同性恋身份,公开宣称自己为同性恋者:Why do gays have to come out at all? Why can't they just live their lives discreetly?为什么同性恋者要公开身份呢?为什么他们不能默默地过自己的生活呢?14.■表明态度,提出主张:Did he come out for the new regulations?他对新规章表态了吗?




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