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单词 close 1
释义 close1[kləuz]vt.1.■关,关闭:He closed his eyes.他闭上眼睛。2.■封闭;封锁:The workmen closed off the street for repairs.工人们将大街封锁进行翻修。3.■塞,堵(裂缝等):to close a gap堵塞缺口4.■使靠拢;使闭合;使接近:to close the ranks of troops使列兵靠拢5.■结束;终止;完成:The conference was closed on Oct.25.会议于10月25日结束。6.■谈妥(交易等);办妥;结清(账目等):to close a sale on a car办妥一部汽车的出售7.■关店,停止营业:The firm decided to close its Shanghai branch.这家公司决定将其上海分公司停止营业。8.■【航海学】靠近,接近:We closed a destroyer at 10 o'clock last night.我们昨晚十点驶近一艘驱逐舰。9.■【电工学】闭合10.■[口语] 【计算机】关闭(指文件等处理结束后的收拾和整理):You have to close your files before you can exit the system.退出系统前你得关闭你的文件。vi.1.■关闭,关上,合上:The door won't close.这个门关不上。Many flowers open in the morning and close at night.很多花都是早晨张开夜晚合上。2.■结束,完结;终止:The post office closes at half past five.邮局五点半关门。At eleven the meeting closed.会议于十一点结束。3.■(股票等)收盘:Steel shares closed at £23.钢铁股票收盘价为23英镑。4.■(伤口)愈合:The wound closed up after a week.一周以后伤口愈合5.■接近,靠近:The enemy troops were closing in upon the city from three different directions.敌军正从三个不同方向逼近该市。6.■扭打;搏斗:The two men closed with each other in a wrestling encounter.这两个汉子在摔跤比赛中互相扭打起来。7.■包围;围住;握住:Darkness closed about us.黑暗笼罩着我们。8.■停业;停课;(戏剧等)停演:Most of the theatres close for summer.大多数剧院夏季停演。9.■与…达成协议;同意:The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting.这两位外交使节直到会议将近结束时才达成协议。n.1.■关闭2.■结束;终止3.■结尾,结局4.■[古语]扭打,格斗近义词endconcludefinishcompleteterminate反义词beginstartcommencebring…to a close(或 to an end)完成;结束;使终止close to home触到痛处;说得太露骨come to a close结束;终止draw to a close= come to a close变形vt.closedclosing




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