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- have (或 keep) an open mind
- have (或keep, hold) one's ear (或an ear) to the ground
- have(或keep)one's eye(s) on the ball
- have (或 keep) one's eye(s) on the ball
- have (或 keep) one's fingers crossed
- have (或 keep)one's wits about one
- have (或 keep, put, set) one's mind on something
- have (或 keep) the weather ga(u)ge of
- have (或 keep) … up (或in) one's sleeve
- have (或 know) (no) limits
- have(或listen to) reason
- have (或 make) a shy at something
- have (或 make) a tilt at someone
- have(或make,take) a try
- have(或meet with) a misfortune
- have(或pull, manage, play, ply, take, tug) the labouring oar
- have (或 put) all one's goods in the window
- have (或put)(one's)faith in
- have (或 put,set) one's foot on the neck of someone
- have (或 put, set) one's foot on the neck of someone
- have (或 put) someone's nose out of joint
- have (或 put, stretch) one's feet under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put, stretch) one's knees under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put,stretch) one's knees (或 feet,legs) under someone's mahogany
- have (或 put, stretch) one's legs under someone's mahogany
- 与君追逐觉老丑,一笑且醉高阳杯
- 诏问与价当几千,众工让口无敢先
- 露气沃人清,烟色沾衣绿
- 暗扉通浩荡,古蔓接崔嵬
- 日用助烹爨,岁储供醴醳
- 堪宜使用黄芽,八琼水、共煎清净
- 安得定海人,为君秉直笔
- 高人大隐餋修龄,喜见年来白发生
- 一别一年方见我,游来游去不禁君
- 一个面如楪子大,眼耳鼻舌分疆界
- 奉诏增修皇舆表院中即事次韵顾书宣前辈·其一
- 饮马长城窟
- 虏中作四首·其四
- 送詹淑正还新安寿母兼同颜舍人质卿同登太山其四
- 仙掌峰
- 二分
- 髶髦
- 恩星
- 恩实
- 恩书