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单词 bring up
释义 bring up1.■抚养,养育;培养,教育,(尤指在举止风度方面)教养;使成长:My parents brought me up to respect others.我父母教育我要尊重他人。The teachers brougth the pupils up on stories about the Old East.教师们用古老的东方冒险故事来教诲小学生们。2.■提出(供讨论或促使注意),提出…以供考虑;提出…以便(协商等);提供(证据):He brought up a question for discussion.他提出问题讨论。3.■谈到,向…提及:I didn't want to bring up the matter to him last night.昨晚我不想向他提及这件事。4.■咳出;呕吐:He brought up everything he ate.他把吃的东西都吐出来了。5.■使(人、车、马、讲话或某一行动)急停,突然停住,急停,(使)很快地停止:He brought up the car at the curb.他在路缘把汽车急停下来。6.■突然停止,突然制止(常与short连用):He started to complain, I brought him up short.他开始抱怨起来,于是我立即制止他。Her scream brought me up short.她的尖叫使我大吃一惊。7.■【航海学】(船等)停下,(船)停止航行;使(船)停止航行,(船)在航程终点停船,(船)抛锚,抵达终点:The ship brought up at a port in New York.这艘船抵达纽约一港口。8.■使出庭受审;传讯:be brought up on a charge of drunken driving因酒醉驾车而受审9.■【军事】调动或运送(部队、辎重等)至前线,把(军队)调上来(至前线),把…召往前线;把(警察、部队等)调(至出事地点):We need to bring up more troops.我们需要调更多的部队来前线。10.■把(饭菜等)端上来:The waiter brought up the next dish.服务员把下一碟菜端了上来。11.■使靠近;使(总数)达到(to):This sum will bring to total up to $500 exactly.这笔款将使总额恰好达到500美元。12.■提高,达到(to):I brought her proficiency up to the required level.我把她的熟练程度提高到所规定的水平。13.■举起,竖起,把…举高;使升上:She brought her hands up.她扬起双手。14.■带(或拿)上楼,带到(高的地方):When the guest arrives, bring him up.来宾到时,把他引上楼来。15.■[英国口语]严厉地说;训斥;责骂:The teacher brought him up for his mistake.老师因他的错误对其进行训斥。16.■使面临:The flood brought us up against serious difficulties.洪水使我们面临着严重的困难。




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