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单词 bring down
释义 bring down1.■拿下;带下;搬下,运下;扶到…下面:He'll need help to bring the computer down.他需要人帮忙才能把那台电脑搬下去。2.■打落,击落;撂倒;使落下,使跌下,使倒下(尤指射落) (on):The pilot brought the plane down gently.驾驶员使飞机徐徐降落。3.■打伤;打死;打倒:The hunter aimed, fired, and brought down the deer.猎人瞄准、射击、射倒了那只鹿。4.■击败,使失败,使倒台:This scandal may well bring the president down at the next election.这件丑闻也许会使总统在下次选举中失败。5.■(使)减少,降低(温度、物价等);使(某人)降低价格:The dealers finally brought the price down to a reasonable figure.商人们终于把物价压低到合理的程度。The dealers have been asked to bring down their prices.要求商人们降低物价。6.■使变得卑微,迫使(某人)降低到(某一状况或水平) (to):Mary will bring Helen down to her own level.玛丽会把海伦降低到她自己的那种地位。7.■(使怒气、处罚等)落于…(on)8.■[口语]使沮丧,使垂头丧气,使愁苦,使消沉,使泄气,使情绪低落:The bad news of my wife's accident really brought me down.我妻子出事故的坏消息真使我感到沮丧。9.■[口语]使(自夸、傲气等)受挫:Helen brought Simon down very cleverly with her remarks.海伦非常巧妙地用几句话大挫西蒙的傲气。10.■招致:His treacherous actions brought down ruin on himself.他的背叛行径使他身败名裂。11.■使(叙述等)由远及近接续相连;把(记录等)写到(某时为止),使(记录等)延续到,使(记录等)继续下去:This is a world history brought down to the end of the twentieth century.这是一部一直记载到20世纪末的世界史。12.■【橄榄球】擒抱,抱住并摔倒或挡住(对方带球跑的队员);【英式足球】(以抢截或犯规)使(对方)绊(或跌)倒:Our centre forward was tripped and brought down.我们的足球中锋被人勾脚绊倒了。13.■(做算术除法时)将(数字)从算题的一部分移到另一部分或从一行移到另一行:When you divide 215 by 5, divide 5 into 21, giving 4 with 1 remaining; then bring down the next figure 5, and divide this 15 by 5; the answer is 43.在你以5除215时,先用5与21相商,得4余1;然后把下一个数字5移下来,再以5除15;答数是43。14.■【会计学】把(数字等)转入下栏(或下页)15.■[美国英语]发布政府声明;正式分布:The city council brought down the new spending plans yesterday.昨天市参议会正式公布了新的经费开销计划。16.■[美国英语]把…留给后来人(或年轻人);祖传下来:This sword has been brought down in my family.这把刀是我家祖传下来的。17.■[口语](通过治疗)使(常服毒品者)恢复健康




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