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单词 box in
释义 box in1.■把…围在中间予以箝制,把…围住,把…困住,把…困(或关)在狭小地方,使关(或围、局限)在狭小空间里,使挤在一起;禁闭,闭锁:Living in that small flat,she feels boxed in.她身居斗室,感到很闷气。She feels boxed in at the fatiguing work and wishes greater freedom to develop her ideas.她在令人疲劳的工作中感到憋气,希望能有更大的自由去实现她的理想。2.■封堵或阻拦(另一赛跑者、骑师或驾车者等)使其不能领先[常用于被动语态]:His car was boxed in by two other cars on the final lap.他的汽车在最后一圈遭到了其他两辆汽车的封堵。3.■把…装入箱(或盒、匣)内:The tea ought to be boxed in.茶叶应装入盒中。4.■把…围成箱子似的;把…包围住:We boxed the house and garden in with fences.我们用栅栏把房子和花园围了起来。5.■【印刷】加花边于,加框于:The title of the news was boxed in.那条新闻的标题被加上了花边。6.■用护罩(或护箱等)把…包起来:to box in a TV set用护罩把电视机包起来The motor is boxed in.发动机是包装在里面的。7.■给…搭板使改观:to box in the room把房间用木板围起来8.■使(帆船)顺风转向




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