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单词 be up
释义 be up1.■在高处;在上;直立姿势:The ladder is up.梯子支立着。2.■(醒来)起床:He isn't up yet.他尚未起床。3.■熬夜,不睡觉:He has been up all night.他一夜未睡。I'm often up late.我常开夜车。4.■增加,增长,上升;(地位)提高;(人)发迹:He's up in the world now.他的地位现在提高了。5.■涨价,(物价)上涨:Apples are up again this week.苹果本周又涨价了。Milk is up 30 per cent.牛奶涨价30%。6.■(期限)终止;(时间)到了:The time (或 hour) is up.(结束的)时间到了。7.■上大城市(尤指伦敦)去;上大学(尤指牛津或剑桥大学):My daughter will be up at Oxford for the next few years.今后几年我女儿要到牛津去上大学了。8.■【法律】使出庭受审:The man is up in court.此人要出庭受审。9.■(事情)发生,出现;不对,不正常,出毛病,出问题;发生困难(with):What's up? Why are you crying?出了什么事?你为什么哭?10.■延伸到;达到;一直到(as far as, to):The water was up as far as my waist.水深齐腰。11.■(日、月)升起:The moon is up.月亮升起了。12.■上楼;由下而上:I'll be up in a minute.我马上就上楼去。13.■完蛋了,完了:Your chance is up.你的机会完了。It's all up with them.他们一切都完了。




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