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单词 world
释义 world[wə:ld]n.1.■2.■地球3.■宇宙,万物4.■假想中有人类居住的天体5.■世界,天下6.■7.■人类8.■公众,众人;世人9.■10.■[亦作 W-]地球上的某一部分11.■社会发展的某一历史时期12.■范围,领域13.■人类活动的范畴,界 c)生存(或存在)的范畴14.■(个人)经历,身世;眼界15.■16.■世间,人间,尘世,世事,世情;物质生活17.■世人,凡人18.■[常作复数]大量;无数19.■天体,恒星;行星20.■社会生活;社会交往adj.1.■(全)世界的;世界性的;世界范围的2.■闻名于世的,世界著名的 —SNY. 见 eartha better world来生,来世;另外一个世界[亦作 another (或the next, the other) world, the world to be (或 to come)]against the world不顾一切人的反对,冒天下之大不韪;与世界人民为敌all over the world普天下,全世界[亦作 all the world over, the world over]All's right with the world.[表示乐观]一切都好;令一切人满意。all the world所有的人,全世界整个“上流社会”,整个社交界;所有相识的人(对某人来说)世界上最重要(或最宝贵)的东西(to someone)all the … in the world许许多多的…,要多少有多少的…(all) the world and his wife[罕用语]人人,各色人等;所有在社交界拥有地位的人,一切上流社会的人[有夸张和戏谑的意味]all the world (或 the whole world) knows无人不晓,举世皆知,众所周知(all) the world over遍及全世界as the world goes按照目前的情况,按照通常的标准a (或 the) world of大量,无数,许多be all the world to someone(对某人来说)世界上最宝贵(或最重要)的东西,为某人的一切,最为某人所喜爱beat the world[俚语]全世界第一,超过一切报道第一手新闻,弄到别人所没有的消息beforehand with the world手头宽裕,手头有钱be broke to the world[俚语]一个钱也没有,穷到极点be dead to the world沉睡,酣睡不省人事,昏死before the world在全世界人面前;大庭广众之前;公然地begin the world开始自己谋生be in a world of one's own (或 by oneself)自得其所,自有天地正在沉思,思想高度集中be sent into the world(婴儿)降生于世be worlds apart (或 away)截然不同,相差很远,极为不同blind to the world[俚语]醉得不省人事,酩酊大醉,烂醉如泥bring into the world生(孩子),生育;产生使(孩子)生下来,接生出生的时候带来…broke to the world (或 wide)[俚语]完全破产;穷到一个钱也没有burst into the world匆匆降生,突然来到人间carry (或 sweep) the world before one迅速获得全面胜利,获得巨大成功,势如破竹;万事如意;所向披靡come (或 go) down in the world[口语]失利;没落,潦倒,落魄;衰落,倒运come into (或 enter) the world出生,出世,诞生(书籍等)问世;出版,(文章等)发表come up (或 go up, rise) in the world飞黄腾达,发迹;露头角dead to the world对世事不闻不问的对周围的事毫无感觉的不省人事的,失去知觉的[口语]熟睡,沉睡烂醉如泥,醉得像死人一样极度疲倦的,疲惫得要死的depart out of this world去世,逝世done to the world (或 wide)完蛋;被打败,精疲力竭for all the world (或 for worlds)无论如何正是;一点不差地;完全for all the world like (或 as if)活像,完全像forsake (或 retire from, renounce) the world出家,遁世,成为隐士for worlds[用于否定句]无论如何,不管怎样完全;在各个方面get on the world发迹,出头;成功get (或 have, enjoy, want) the best of both worlds= make the best of both worldsget the world off one's back卸下重担give to the world出版,发表,公之于世give worlds (或 the world) to很愿意做…,为了…愿付出一切代价(与 would 连用)go around the world[美国俚语、粗俗语]吻舔性交对象的全身go down in the world= come down in the worldgo out into the world= begin the worldgo out of this world离开人世,死去,归天go to a better world到极乐世界去,归天,死去,去世go up (或 come up) in the world在社会中得到更高的地位,飞黄腾达,发迹,露头角great world上流社会,贵族社会have the world at one's feet成功不在话下,前程似锦How goes the world with you?[口语]你好吗?你近况如何?日子过得怎样?[亦作How is the world treating 或 using you?]how the world goes (或 wags)情况怎样?in a world of one's own生活在自己的小天地里;与他人隔绝深思,聚精会神[俚语]不管他人,我行我素 [常用于讽刺挖苦,亦作 in a world by oneself]in the wrold天下,世界上[常为夸张的说法]完全;根本上;到底;究竟[加强语气用]It's a small world.[口语]我们又见面了;这世界真小!know (或 see) the world通晓人情世故,富有生活经验Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.[谚语]乐时有众人同乐而哀时惟一人独哀。let the world slide对事情听其自然,不去管他;不必重视习俗惯例(或舆论)let the world wag (as it will)听其自然,随他去;不把事态变迁放在心上live out of the world不与人来往,隐居,过隐居生活,离群索居look at the world through rose-colo(u)red glasses乐观地看待一切事物lost to the world (或 wide)不注意(或不知道)周围发生的事熟睡,沉睡make a noise in the world见 noisemake (或 get) the best of both worlds.过最好的物质和精神生活;两全其美(或两方面都不划算),折中,妥协,和解;左右逢源[讽刺语]追求生前享受死后快乐,兼顾今生与来世之福make the worse of both worlds两头吃亏;两受其害New World新大陆,西半球(指美洲)not for the world决不;无论如何也不[亦作 not for worlds]not (to be) long for this world不久于世,快要死了,活不了多久了Old World旧世界,东半球(指欧、亚、非三洲)on top of the world[美国口语]得意洋洋,兴高采烈;感到高兴out of this (或 the) world[美国俚语]十全十美的,极优秀的;非凡的,妙到极点的;好得难以形容,好得不可思议不现实的,脱离实际的;不合理的renounce (或 retire from) the world退隐rise in the world= come up in the worldsee the world= know the worldset the world on fire[美国英语]非常成功,取得显赫成就,做出惊人的事业set the world to right[口语]高谈阔论,侈谈天下大事Small world.= It's a small goes (或 wags) the world.这就是人生;人世变迁就是这样。[亦作 So the world wags.]straight (或 square) with the world[美国俚语]了清债务的take the world as it is (或 as one finds it)听其自然,随遇而安tell the world[俚语]公开宣布;郑重声明;公开讲出去,让人人都知道,肯定地说,断言the best of both world见 bestthe end of the world见 endthe fashionable world社交界,上流社会 [亦作 the world of fashion]literary world文坛,文学界[亦作 the world of letters]the lower (或 nether) world阴间,地狱(有时亦指)尘世,凡间the next world阴间;来世,来生;天堂the other world未来世界来生,来世理想(或幻想中)的世界the outer world外人,个人生活圈子以外的人外部世界;物质世界the whole world knows= all the world knowsthe wide world茫茫人世,广大世界the wise old world老经验;老规矩The world is but a little place, after all.想不到我们又遇见了。The world is good enough to eat.[口语]这世界真是甜美。The world is someone's oyster.[口语]世界属于某人(指某人因年轻、富有而能获得生活机遇)。The world is small.= It's a small world.the world of dream梦乡,梦境;幻境the world on one's shoulders (或 on one's back)沉重的负担;沉重的心事the world over= all over the worldthe world's end天涯海角the world, the flesh, and the devil种种诱惑(邪念、肉欲、物质享受)the world to be (或 to come)来生,来世;未来世界,未来时代think (all) the world of对…评价很高,钦佩,尊重;极其热爱,关怀;非常喜欢this (或 the) world今生,今世,现世,人世to the world[俚语]极度地,完全地What will the world say?不知社会上的人会怎么说?不知别人会怎么议论?world away from something与某人有天壤之别,与某事不可同日而言world and his wife人人,所有的人,大多数人world of difference差距很大world on one's back自以为了不起的思想包袱;肩上的重任world to come来世world without end永远,永久,无穷无尽,永生永世,永无止境would give the world to[口语]很愿意…;为了(达到某目的)不惜付出任何代价




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