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单词 word
释义 word[wə:d]n.1.■2.■词3.■字4.■话;言词;简短的话5.■诺言;保证6.■消息,信息;音信7.■8.■[the word]口令;暗号;信号9.■命令10.■[通常为复数]11.■谈话12.■歌词;台词;对白13.■[复数]口角;争论14.■【计算机】字,计算机字,单词(在计算机和信息处理系统中传送信息量的电磁脉冲字符组合)15.■[古语]格言;谚语;座右铭16.■[the word]最贴切的字眼17.■(政党等提出的)口号,标语18.■[the Word]= Word of God19.■【遗传学】三联码字,三字母组合,词组合(遗传密码中代表核苷酸三联体密码或密码子的三字母组合)20.■以…为首的首字母的词[与不吉、不雅的字眼的首字母连用以表示委婉化]vt.1.■用言语表达;措辞2.■[澳大利亚口语]通知;告知(常与 up 连用)vi.1.■讲话a good word美言,好话;恭维话a long word[口语]一段很长时间a man of few words见 man(as) good as one's word说话算数;守信用at a (或 one) word(对请求、建议、命令等)反应迅速地;一听见命令(建议、请求)就…;毫不迟疑地,马上,立刻[亦作 on 或 with the word][废语]简言之at the word of command【军事】命令一下a word and a blow一言不合动手就打;轻率的行动翻脸无情说干就干a word in season及时的意见(或劝告)a word in one's ear耳语,悄悄话;私房话,心里话a word in your ear跟你讲几句悄悄话a word of a sort[罕用语]尖锐的责骂、生气的话a word or two一两句话,简单的交谈(或发言)a word out of season过时的意见,不合时宜的意见A word spoken is past recalling.[谚语]一言既出,驷马难追。A word to the wise is enough (或sufficient).[谚语]智者一言已足;对明理人不用细说。[亦作 A word is enough to the wise.]a bad word猥亵的话;亵渎的词语bandy words with与…顶嘴;与…争论,与…扯皮,辩论barbed words伤人的话;挖苦话believe someone's (或 someone on his) bare word轻信某人毫无根据的话,轻信某人说的某事better than one's word比所允诺的还要慷慨;所做的超过所答应的be unable to put two words together一句话都说不清楚be worse than one's word食言,失信beyond words难以描述的,无法形容的big words大话,夸张之词,牛皮;吹牛break one's word食言,失信breathe a word说出,讲出[常用于否定式]bring word通知,传话burning words激动人心(或热情洋溢)的言语buzz word术语,行话by word of mouth当面告诉;口说,口头地(以区别于书面地)clipped word缩略词clothe in (或 put into) words用言语表达coin a word创造(或杜撰)新词depart from one's word= go back on one's worddirty word猥亵的词语;下流的字眼(某些领域或行业中的)禁忌字眼eat(或 swallow, take back)one's words食言,取消诺言;(被迫)收回前言,承认说错exchange words with与…意见不合;与…有争执,与…争吵,与…争辩fair (或 good,smooth) words好听的话,赞扬的话,恭维话;有意和解的话Fine (或 Fair,Kind,Soft) words butter no parsnips.[谚语]好听的诺言不能当饭吃。Fine words dress ill deeds.[谚语]花言巧语足以粉饰罪行。from the word go[口语] 从头到尾;从一开头get a word in edgewise(趁别人讲话的间隙)插嘴 [亦作 get a word in edgeways]get(或 have,say)the last(或 final) word强辩到底;在争论中硬要说出最后一句话说了算,下结论get the word得到命令(或吩咐,正式通知等)[口语]理解;领会暗示的意义;明白get (或 have) word听说,得知,获得消息give (或 pass,pawn,pledge) one's word担保,保证;允诺,答应give (或 on) one's word of hono(u)r用名誉担保give someone one's good word说某人好,推荐某人give the word向官兵传达通行口令(回答哨兵盘问)说出通行口令发信号;下命令;指示give words to用言语表达go back on one's word失信,食言go behind someone's words揣摩某人话中的含意God's word【基督教】《圣经》;《福音书》道;三位一体的第二体(圣子)[亦作 the word of God]good words[口语]不要这么凶,好好说good words and no deeds光说好听的话而没有实际行动Good words are worth much and cost little.[谚语]好话不要本钱,但价值很大。[亦作 Good words cost nothing,but are worth much.]half a word一两句话,片言只语hang on (或 upon) someone's words(或 every word, lips)为某人的口才所迷;听得入神;不放过每一个字,倾听某人的话hard words难词,费解的词语,难于理解的话(对于受教育不多的读者来说)粗鲁的话;生气的话,愤怒的话,严厉尖锐的话;争吵[亦作 high,hot,sharp 或 warm words]Hard words break no bones,fine words butter no parsnips.[谚语]恶语伤不到人;粗语无害,甘言无益。have a word with someone和某人谈一两句话;和某人谈话;交谈[亦作 have half a word with someone]have not a word to throw at a dog(因别人高傲而)不和别人说话,不理睬别人have no words for(或 to express)something难以言语形容某事物;找不到恰当的话来表达某事物,言语不足以表达某事物have words (with)(和…)争论,(和)…争吵high (或 warm,hot,sharp) words愤怒的话,激烈的话,严厉尖锐的话;争吵household words家喻户晓的名字(或话)in a few words总之,简单地说in a (或 one) word一句话,总而言之,简单地说in other words换句话说,也就是说,即in plain words明白地(说);坦率地(说)in so many words一字不差地(这样说);清清楚楚地(说);毫不含糊地(说),直截了当地说in word口头上in word and (in) deed言行都…,在语言和行动上;真正的in words of one syllable简单明了地(说),用浅显明了的话(说)…is not the word for it[口语]…这个字眼还不足以形容keep (或[古语]hold) one's word遵守诺言,守信用last word最后决定权;(辩论中的)定论;决定性的意见[口语]最新式样 (或发展、成就)(in 或 on something)遗言,临终的话[常作 last words]leave word(with)留言,留下口信(或字条)make words提起,谈论[苏格兰英语]喋喋不休,说个没完man(或 woman) of his (或 her) word信守诺言的人;说话算数的人Many a true word is spoken in jest.[谚语]笑谈之中有至理。Many words cut(或hurt)more than swords.[谚语]刀伤有法治,舌伤无术医。Many (或 Mere) words will not fill a bushel.[谚语]空言无补;画饼不能充饥。mark my words[口语]记住我的话好了;你听着mince one's words吞吞吐吐,闪烁其词multiply words话多;废话连篇,说话啰唆Mum's the word!见 MumMy word![口语]哎呀!好家伙!真没想到![表示赞叹或惊讶的感叹语,亦作 Upon my word!]my word upon it一定;我敢保证Never is a long word.见 never.not another word!别再说了!not a word![口语]别告诉别人!别说出去!not breathe a word只字不提,什么也不说;保守秘密;保持缄默not exchange more than a few (或 half a dozen)words with同…没谈过两三句话;同…没什么真正的友好关系[常用于完成时态]not have a good word (to say) for someone (或something)经常批评某人(或某事)not have a word to throw at a dog(因高傲或孤僻)不理人;不与别人说话[莎士比亚语]not mince (one's)words坦率地说;直截了当地说;毫不客气地说of few words沉默寡言的of many words话多的one's word is (as good as) one's bond某人的诺言很可靠;某人说话很算数on (或 give) one's word of hono(u)r以名誉担保on my word= upon my word (1.)on the (或 with) word说过这话(便)pass (或 pawn) one's word= give (one's) wordpass the word说出口令;发出命令pick one's words字斟句酌;注意措辞play on (或 upon) words说双关语;说俏皮话pledge one's word保证,答应,允诺portmanteau(或 telescope) word结合两词的音义而造成的词,合成词(如 motel 由 motor 和hotel 造成)press the words坚持牵强附会的解释;坚持字面解释proceed from words to blows由吵架演成殴斗put in a (good) word (或 say 或 speak a good word) for someone替某人说好话(或说情);为某人辩护;推荐某人put…into words用言语表达[亦作 give words to]put words into(或 in) someone's mouth教某人怎样讲;(未经同意)代某人说话(未经证实)说某人有某种意见,认为某人有某种想法;声称(或认为)某人说过(实际上没说过)某话say a few words做事先毫无准备的简短发言,(即席)讲几句话say a good word for替某人说好话(或说情);为某人辩护;推荐某人say a word in someone's ear和某人私下谈话say the last word= get the last wordsay (或 speak) the word[口语]吩咐(或表示)一下send word捎信,转告,传话,派人通知sesquipedalian words又长又深奥的词sharp words= hard words (2.)Sharp's the word.见 sharpsoft words安慰人的话,动听的话;甜言蜜语Soft words butter no parsnips.= Fine words butter no parsnips.someone's word is law某人的话就是法律,某人的话有绝对权威sparing of words精简言辞split words(对某事) 作无益的繁琐分析(或考证),纠缠于细枝末节;钻牛角尖suit the action to the word见actionswallow one's words发音含糊,口齿不清= eat one's wordstake back one's words= eat one's wordstake my word for it[口语]相信我的话,我敢保证;包你…[亦作 you can,may 或 must take my word for it]take one at one's word相信某人的话,听信某人,对某人的话信以为真按某人的话去做[亦作 take someone at his word]take someone's words for it (或 that)相信某人的话take the words out of one's mouth讲出某人心里要讲的话,抢先讲出某人要讲的话take (up) the word(接着某人或代替某人)讲话;开始讲话,开始发言,起而发言through word of mouth= by word of mouththrow a word to someone as a bone to a dog以粗鲁的态度同某人讲话;以漫不经心的态度同某人讲话true to one's word遵守(或忠于)诺言,不失信,守约the Word= logos圣经= gospel ( 1.)upon my word[口语]说实在话,我向你保证;一点不假[亦作 on my word]哎呀!真没想到!好家伙![表示赞叹或惊讶的感叹语,亦作 Upon my word!My word!]warm words= hard word ( 2.)waste one's words白费(或枉费)唇舌weasel words[美国英语]模棱两可的话,含糊其辞的话weigh one's words斟酌字句What's the good word?[口语]有什么好消息?有什么新闻?近况好吗?[熟人打招呼用语]wild and whirling words考虑欠周到的话;鲁莽的语言winged words意味深长的话,中肯的话with the word= at a (或 one) word (1.)without many words没多余的话,不声不响without (saying) a word一声不响就…,不说一句话就…word and deed言语和行动,言与行word by word一字一字地,一字不漏地word came (that 或 of)有消息传来说,接着消息说…word for word逐字逐句地,一字不差地;精确地(word-for-word) 逐字的,一字不错的word is that据说,传闻word of command【军事】口令,号令word of mouth口头说的话;口头相传Words are but wind,but seeing's believing.[谚语]耳听为虚,眼见为实。Words are the wise man's counters and the fool's money.[谚语]聪明人把言语当筹码,傻瓜把言语当真钱;聪明人把言语当手段,傻瓜把言语当目的。咬文嚼字地对待古人的话words fail someone[口语](由于太激动等)不知道说什么好;某人说不出话来words of one syllable简单明了的言语words of wisdom聪明的话语;忠告[常用作反语]Words pay no debets.[谚语]空话还不了债;空言无补。worse than one's word不守约的,违约的,食言的write word(of)用文字报告




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