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单词 turn out
释义 turn out1.■熄灭,关闭,关(灯等):He turned out the light when he left.他离开时把灯关了。2.■逐出;驱逐,赶走,让…离开,打发;辞退,解雇,开除;罢免:The drunkard was turned out of the bar.醉汉被赶出了酒吧。The boss decided to turn Jack out of his job.老板决定解除杰克的工作。3.■翻转;出清,倒空,翻出:He turned out all his pockets looking for the ticket.他把所有口袋都翻出来,寻找那张票。4.■出来,出去,出动(以便集合、参加):10 000 people turned out to welcome the world champion.一万人出来欢迎那位世界冠军。5.■(作为工作成果)生产,制造;培养出;训练:Plans have been made to turn out more products of higher quality.已制订计划,生产更多高质量的产品。Our university has turned out some world-famous scientists.我们学校已造就出了若干名名闻世界的科学家。6.■结果;归结:The crops will turn out well.庄稼会长得不错。It will turn out a futile attempt.这会是徒劳无益的。7.■证明是,原来是:The person I spoke to turned out to be our new teacher.我找(他)说话的那个人原来是我们的新老师。It turned out that he failed the examination.原来他考试不及格。8.■成为,变成,变为,成长为:Nobody thought that he had turned out a great inventor.没人想到他会变成一位伟大的发明家。His son turned out successful after all.他的儿子最终变得很有出息。9.■装束,装饰,打扮;装备:She always turns her daughters out well.她总是把女儿们打扮得漂漂亮亮的。She is not pretty, but she is beautifully turned out.她不漂亮,但她穿得很漂亮。10.■[口语]起床:When do you turn out every morning?你每天早上几点起床?11.■(使)(趾足)外倾;向外弯:He turned his toes out like Chaplin.他像卓别林那样把脚尖向外撇。12.■把(牛羊等)赶出栏外放牧,放牧:They turned out cows to pasture.他们放牛去吃草。13.■举行罢工14.■把…放在外面15.■【航海学】扬(帆)16.■[英国英语]清扫;打扫:Several students were turning out the classroom.几名学生在打扫教室。




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