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单词 tumble
释义 tumble['tʌmbl]vi.1.■跌倒,摔倒:She tumbled off her bicycle.她从自行车上摔了下来。The baby tumbled to the ground.婴儿跌倒在地。2.■被绊倒;绊:The boy tumbled over a stone.男孩被一块石头绊了一跤。3.■(从权利等)突降;被推翻;(价格等)暴跌:The stock market tumbled.股市行情看跌。The government tumbled.政府被推翻了。4.■毁灭;崩溃;倒塌:The deserted building tumbled down when an earthquake happened.那座荒无人住的建筑物在发生地震时倒塌了。5.■翻来覆去,翻腾;打滚:The patient tumbled restlessly in his bed.病人焦躁不安地在床上翻来滚去。6.■匆匆忙忙地倾倒出来;仓促地行动;莽莽撞撞(或跌跌撞撞)地走:We tumbled out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning.我们清晨五点迷迷糊糊地起了床。He tumbled into the meeting room.他莽莽撞撞地走进了会议室。7.■[口语]领会,了解;终于明白,恍然大悟(与to连用):All at once I tumbled to what he meant.我突然明白了他的意思。At last, she tumbled to the fact that he had been deceiving her for a long time.她终于明白他已经欺骗她很长时间了。8.■偶然发现:I tumbled upon an interesting book in the library.我在图书馆偶然发现了一本有趣的书。9.■翻筋斗,滚翻,表演杂技:The acrobats tumbled over the stage.杂技演员们在舞台上翻筋斗。vt.1.■使跌倒;使完全翻转:The accident tumbled us all out of the truck.车祸把我们全都从卡车上摔了下来。2.■弄乱,搞乱,乱扔乱放:The boy tumbled his mother's hair男孩弄乱了妈妈的头发。He tumbled pens, pencils, books, magazines, tapes and cups into a box.他把钢笔、铅笔、书、杂志、磁带和杯子都扔进了一个盒子里。3.■把(衣服)放在干燥机中旋干4.■推翻,颠覆:使(价格等)暴跌:They tumbled him out of the throne.他们把他从王位上赶了下来。5.■使打滚;使翻滚6.■使倒塌;拆毁:They tumbled the walls of the the old building.他们拆毁了旧建筑物的墙。7.■打中(鸟、兽等)n.1.■跌倒;跌落;跌跤,摔倒2.■(如股票价值等的)下跌,下落;垮台,下台3.■混乱;杂乱,乱七八糟4.■倒塌,坍塌;5.■翻滚;翻腾;翻筋斗6.■(表示兴趣、爱情等的)反应;理会give(或get) a tumble[口语]给予(或得到)好意的关注take a tumble[美国俚语]恍然大悟,突然领悟tumble down the sink大口喝tumble home【航海学】舷侧内倾tumble short of未达到变形vi.tumbledtumbling




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