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单词 to
释义 to[强 tu:; 弱 tu; 辅音前弱tə; t]prep.1.■[表示方向等,与 from 相反]向,往,到:turn to the right向右转She came to the garden.她来到这个花园。2.■[表示时间的限度]直至;到…为止; 在…之前:to this day直到今天no parking from three to six三时至六时禁止停车3.■[表示程度、情况、数量的限度]及于;至;达到:wet to the skin浑身湿透a fight to the death殊死的战斗4.■[表示目的、意愿]为了:to come to dinner来吃饭to go to the rescue去救援5.■[表示结果]致,致使;被…弄得…;…的是:sentenced to ten years in prison被判处十年徒刑to no purpose白白,徒然6.■[表示原因]由于:The flowers opened to the sun.花儿在阳光下开放。7.■[表示比较]比,比较,相比:inferior to last year's crop比去年的收成低superior to the others优于其他8.■倾向;趋向于(某一状况等):to grow to manhood长大成人a rise to fame成名,出名9.■[表示相对位置]对;面对;对立;到…上;接近:parallel to the roof与屋顶平行a house to the left左边的一幢房子10.■给,予:Listen to her.听她说。Give the dictionary to him.把字典给他。11.■致敬;祝贺:They drink to his health.他们为他的健康干杯。a toast to your success为你的成功干杯12.■[表示归属]属于;…的:the key to the classroom教室的钥匙13.■[表示附加]附加于;加于:add this to the others把这个加在另外几个上面Where is the top to this box?这个盒子的盖儿哪去了?14.■[表示伴随]跟着; 伴随;随同:She danced to the music.她合着音乐跳舞。to do something to one's liking据某人的爱好做某事15.■关于;就…而言;对于;依…看:That's all there is to it.那就是有关这一点的一切;如此而已。What will he say to this?对此他会说什么?16.■适合;合乎;对…的反应是:not to one's taste不合某人的口味The dog came to his whistle.狗听到他的哨声就来了。17.■[表示数目或数量的关系]每:12 to the dozen一打为12个20miles to the gallon一加仑汽油可行驶20英里18.■[后接 oneself]专为…所用:She has a room to herself.她独住一间房。19.■[口语]带有;以( = with):a field planted to corn玉米地20.■[方言]在(某处):He's to home.他在家adv.1.■向前:His hat is on wrong side to.他的帽子前后戴歪了。2.■(门窗等)关上;虚掩着:The door was blown to.风吹把门关上了。3.■开始;着手:We turned to with a will.我们开始努力干。4.■在附近:We were close to when it happened.事情发生时我们正在附近。5.■苏醒过来:after he came to在他苏醒过来以后6.■【航海学】(帆船)向上风n.1.■[用于动词前与动词构成不定式]2.■[动词不定式用作主语]:To see is to believe.[谚语]眼见为实。3.■[用作宾语]:She can't afford to buy a computer.她买不起电脑。4.■[用作宾语补语]:I asked her to show me her new car.我要她给我看看她的新汽车。5.■[用作表语]:My wish is to become a scholar.我的愿望是成为一名学者。6.■[用作定语]:Mary was the first person to think of the idea.玛丽是第一个想到这个主意的人。7.■[用作状语]:We were surprised to hear it.听了这个我们感到吃惊。8.■[用作插入语]:To tell you the truth,I don't quite agree with you.说真的,我不太同意你的意见。adj.1.■[用来代替动词不定式或不定式短语,以避免重复前面的动词]:I shall go if I want to.如果我想去我就去。as to见 asto and fro来回地;往返地,来来往往地零星分散地to oneself默默地,暗自私下地,秘密地单独地自主地,独立地;不受制于他人地;自行其是地




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