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单词 throw up
释义 throw up1.■抛起;举起;把…迅速往上推:He threw up his hands in despair.他绝望地举起双手。He threw the window up and looked out.他把窗子推上去向外望。2.■放弃;辞去(职位等),辞(职);洗手不干:Why did you throw up such a good job?你为什么放弃了这么好的一个工作?She has thrown up her studies.她已经放弃了学业。3.■呕吐;吐出:She can’t come; she has been throwing up all morning.她来不了,一上午她都在呕吐。The boy threw up his dinner again.男孩又把吃的饭吐了。4.■匆匆建成(或做成):They used old lumber to throw up a hut.他们用旧木料匆匆搭起了一个棚屋。5.■产生;出(人才):My hometown has thrown up a number of great poets.我的故乡出了许多伟大的诗人。Brazil has thrown up many world-famous footballers.巴西出了许多闻名世界的足球运动员。6.■[美国英语](责备地)反复提起(不愉快的事);反复地说:She throws up to me the time I got drunk.她反复向我提起我喝醉的时候。7.■使突出,把…衬托出来;(尤指通过对比)使显眼;在…的附近:Red and yellow help to throw up the other colours in the design.红色和黄色能衬托出图案中其他颜色。




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