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单词 throw out
释义 throw out1.■抛出;丢掉,扔掉(无用物):to throw out the baby with the bathwater把婴儿随洗澡水一同倒掉;[比喻]不分精华糟粕全盘否定2.■使伸出;伸出(手、脚),挺(胸):They threw their chests out when marching in parade.他们在列队行进时都挺起了胸膛。3.■随口说,漫不经心地说;轻描淡写地说:He threw out a few remarks at the meeting.他在会上随口说了几句话。4.■提出(意见、暗示等):The dean threw out a suggestion.系主任提出了一个建议。He threw out a challenge.他提出了一个挑战。5.■撵走;(突然或出乎意料地)解雇,开除:She has been thrown out of our firm.她已经被我们公司解雇了。The club threw out a few members.俱乐部撵走了几个会员。6.■抵制;拒绝(提议等);否决(议案等):They have thrown out the motion.他们已经否决了这项动议。I don't think they have the right to throw your entry out.我认为他们无权拒绝你参赛。7.■使发出;放出;散发出,放散出:The ripe apples throw out a sweet,intense smell.成熟苹果放出浓郁的香味。The lamp threw out a dim light.灯发出暗淡的光线。8.■伸展;扩建,添造,增建(侧房):Our school will throw out a new wing to the library.我们学校将为图书馆增建一个侧楼。9.■显示,展示;使突出,使显眼:His silence threw out his real intention.他的沉默显露出了他的真实意图。10.■把…甩在后面,超过11.■派出,派遣:The general threw out his reserves into the woods.将军派遣预备队进入森林。12.■打扰,使分心;打乱;使不知所措:The noise threw me out in my calculations.噪音扰得我无法进行计算。You have thrown the plan out.你已经把计划打乱了。13.■使(离合器)分离14.■【棒球】封杀出局;传球使同队队员将(对方跑垒员)杀出局15.■使脱臼:to throw one's elbow out胳臂肘脱臼




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