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单词 teach
释义 teach[ti:tʃ]vt.1.■教;讲授:He taught me how to swim.他教我怎样游泳。He taught his students all he knew.他对学生倾囊以授。2.■教育,教导:All this taught them how to cope with difficulties.所有这些都教育了他们应如何克服困难。3.■使…学习;训练:He taught the girl to read and write.他教女孩看书写字。My mother taught me how to operate the washing machine.妈妈教我如何使用洗衣机。4.■[口语]教训;告诫…不要;使明白:I will teach you to meddle in my affairs.你要再干涉我的事,我就不客气了。The accident taught him to be more careful.这起事故的教训使他变得更小心。vi.1.■教书,教学,任教,当教师:She teaches in a state university.她在一所州立大学任教。I have been teaching four periods already this morning.今天上午我已经上了四堂课了。2.■…被讲授;…可以教;…教起来(如何):This is a course that teaches easily.这是一门容易教的课。3.■【机器人】教导;示教n.1.■[口语]教师teach one's grandmother to suck eggs给比自己更有经验的人出主意;班门弄斧[亦作 teach a dog to bark]teach school[美国英语]教书,任教teach someone to do something[口语](常与 will 连用)惩治某人使不敢做某事;教训某人别做某事That'll teach you.[口语]这就是给你的教训;这下你该学乖了。变形vt.taughtteaching




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