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单词 tax
释义 tax[tæks]n.1.■税;税款2.■[美国英语](社会、团体等的)会费3.■负担,压力;义务,职责vt.1.■对…征税;对…抽税:The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.英国政府对烟草和含酒精的饮料课以重税。The government taxed the rich and the poor alike.政府对富人和穷人同样征税。2.■向(政府)缴税;缴纳…税3.■对…收会费4.■使负重荷,使受压力:to tax one's strength费尽气力to tax one's resources使人绞尽脑汁5.■谴责;责备,指责:The teacher taxed Tom with laziness.老师批评汤姆懒惰。He was taxed with negligence.他因粗心大意而受到责备。6.■[美国口语]讨(价),要(价钱),要人支付:How much did they tax you for that bicycle?那辆自行车他们要了你多少钱?What will you tax me for this pen?这钢笔多少钱?7.■【法律】评定(或审定)(诉讼费等):to tax the costs of an action评定一起诉讼的诉讼费8.■[古语]对…进行估价9.■[废语]使参加辩论a tax on (或 upon)加在…上的负担(或压力)lay a tax on something对某物上税tax and tax, spend and spend不断征税、不断花钱的政策tax someone with something就某事指控(或责备)某人with holding tax[美国英语]预扣赋税(指雇主在发工资时,替政府预扣的所得税)




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