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单词 tap 1
释义 tap1[tæp]vt.1.■轻拍;轻叩:The teacher tapped me on my shoulder.老师轻轻地拍了下我的肩膀。The girl tapped the door with her knuckles.女孩用指关节轻轻敲门。2.■(连续)轻击,轻敲,轻打:The secretary tapped her typewriter all morning.秘书噼里啪啦地连续打了一上午的字。3.■以(手指、铅笔等)轻轻敲打:to tap one's foot on the floor用脚轻敲地板The boss tapped his pencil on the desk.老板用铅笔敲击办公桌。4.■敲打出;敲进:He tapped his pipe out into the fireplace.他把烟斗的烟灰敲到壁炉里。It's not easy to tap a nail into the wall.这墙不容易钉进钉子。5.■[美国英语]选择;推选:He was tapped as president of the college.他被选为该学院的院长。They tapped her for a reportorial assignment.他们指定她去完成一次报道任务。6.■给(鞋)打鞋掌,加鞋掌:to tap shoes给鞋钉掌子vi.1.■轻叩;轻敲;轻拍:He tapped on the window.他轻叩窗子。Someone is tapping at (或on) the door.有人在敲门。2.■轻声走:The pupils tapped across the room.学生们轻声地穿过房间。3.■跳踢踏舞n.1.■轻打;轻叩;轻拍2.■轻敲声;叩敲声3.■(补鞋的)掌子,鞋掌4.■(钉在踢踏舞鞋底尖或鞋跟上的)铁片;踢踏舞鞋5.■踢踏舞6.■[复数]7.■【美军】熄灯号(声)8.■【英军】吃饭号(声)9.■些微,少许10.■【语言学】一次接触声a tap on the wrist[美国英语]象征性的处罚;轻微的惩罚tap someone's claret[俚语]把某人打得流鼻血变形vt.tappedtapping




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