随便看 |
- find out (或 discover, learn) the hard way
- find quarrel in a straw
- find salvation
- find-spot
- find the length of someone's foot
- find the way
- find the way to
- find wanting
- find what's o'clock
- find what's o'clock (或 what o'clock it is)
- find what's what o'clock it is
- find (或 gain, get, have) one's sea legs (或 sealegs)
- find (或gain,wind,obtain,meet with)acceptance
- find (或 get, have,know,take) the length of someone's foot
- find (或 get,have,know,take) the length of someone's foot
- find (或 get) one's ice legs
- find (或 have) difficulty (in) doing something
- find (或 put) one's finger on someone's weak spot
- find (或 seek) one's (own) level
- fine
- fine 1
- fine 2
- fine 4
- fineable
- fine admixture
- 林下已能忘岁月,人间何必仕公卿
- 天教草昧起英雄,开创艰难自大东
- 弄舌仪秦久厌看,无言混沌自安间
- 古殿长鸣磬,低头礼昼灯
- 怕唤起西湖,那时春感
- 昔与今休论,声和色总宜
- 性灵比鹤争多少,气力登山较几分
- 公之勋名塞宇宙,文武全才今未有
- 祝君无尽年
- 再把江南新岁酒
- 寄吴肃秀才
- 新岁雪霁到西湖作三首
- 藻侄比课五言诗,已有意趣,老怀甚喜,因吟
- 暇日弄笔戏书
- 菩萨蛮
- 闚盗
- 讨人
- 奏鸣曲
- 荆州瘿
- 山意