单词 | stop |
释义 | stop[stɔp]vt.1.■停止,使停下,使中断:to stop reading停止阅读He stopped work and took a rest.他停下工作休息了一会儿。2.■结束,终止:to stop one's letter with good wishes以问好结束了书信to stop a strike of miners结束了矿工的罢工3.■阻止,止住:They tried to stop the tendency of inflation.他们设法阻止住了通货膨胀的势头。4.■中断,截断,断绝:to stop supplies中断供给to stop diplomatic relations断绝外交关系5.■制止,妨碍,阻拦(常与 from连用):I couldn't stop him from going.我无法拦住他不走。Their scuffle was stopped by the riot police.他们的殴斗被防暴警察制止了。6.■拦住,挡住:to stop a car拦住汽车The guide stopped us going into the ancient forests.向导拦住我们,不让我们进入原始森林。7.■堵住,阻塞住(常与 up 连用):to stop up the crack堵住裂缝The sink was stopped up with hair and fragments of cloth.洗涤槽被头发和破布片给堵住了。8.■填补,填塞:I'll have my tooth stopped.我要补牙去了。9.■(用塞子等)塞住(容器等);盖上:to stop a bottle盖上瓶盖to stop the tool's lid盖上工具箱的盖子10.■捂住(口、鼻等),堵住(耳朵等):to stop one's ears不听11.■扣除;停止支付:to stop the cost from the gains从收益中扣除成本to stop one's payment停止付给薪金12.■【银行业】通知银行停止支付(支票)13.■击倒,击败;击毙:to stop one's match wih a heavy blow以一记重拳击倒对手He stopped Jack by 5∶0 in the third game.他在第三局中以5比0击败了杰克。14.■难倒,使狼狈:I'm sorry to say your questions stop me.说真的,你的问题把我难住了。15.■[英国英语]给…加标点16.■【园艺学】修剪…的枝条17.■【桥牌】(用王牌、长套等)阻止(对手)得墩18.■【音乐】19.■按(乐器的孔或弦)以发出某个特定的音20.■改变…的音调21.■【航海学】扎住,系紧(船缆等)vi.1.■停住,停下来;停止前进:He stopped and bought a newspaper.他停下来买了一张报纸。2.■停止,中止,停顿:Stop talking!别说话了!They stopped to talk.他们停下来,聊了一会儿。3.■被堵塞,被堵住:The sewer has stopped completely.下水道被堵死了。4.■顺便过访;逗留;[主英国英语]留下:You can stop for the night at a hotel in the town.在城里,你可以在旅馆过夜。I was asked to stop for lunch.我被邀请留下来吃午饭。5.■花时间;费神:to stop and watch细心观察Don't stop to collect the materials; I have prepared them for you.别费神收集材料了,我已给你准备好了。6.■犹豫,踌躇;退缩:Don't stop.Go to tell her!别犹豫了,去告诉她吧!n.1.■停住;停止2.■中止,终止,结束3.■停留处;站,车站;机场4.■停留,逗留,歇宿5.■堵塞,阻碍,妨碍6.■塞子,栓7.■填塞,填补8.■限位器;止动器;挡块;掣子;棘爪9.■(演奏乐器时的)按孔,按弦;(按孔或弦产生的)音调变化10.■【音乐】(管乐器的)指孔;(管风琴的)音栓;(吉他的)品11.■(动物额头与鼻子之间的)凹痕12.■[主英国英语]13.■标点符号,(尤指)句号14.■(电报中的)句号代码15.■(诗歌中的)停顿16.■【商业】17.■停止支付(支票)通知18.■= stop order19.■【航海学】掣;掣索20.■【语音学】21.■(发音时的)闭止[参较 continuant]22.■塞音,破裂音(如/p,b,t,g/)23.■【摄影术】光圈;光圈数(或 f 数)刻度24.■【纸牌】止张adj.1.■停止的;用来使停止的近义词ceasedesistdiscontinuequit反义词begincommencestartbring to a stop使停止;使终止come to a(full)stop(完全)停止enough to stop a clock(脸等)十分丑陋know where(或when)to stop知道如何控制自己pull all the stops out 或 pull out all the stops拉出管风琴的全部音栓全力以赴,竭尽全力put a stop to使停止,制止stop a gap见 gapstop at nothing见 nothingstop behind留下stop dead= stop shortStop it!住手!停下!stop one's ears见 ear¹stop someone's mouth见 mouthstop short见 shortstop the show见 showstop the way见 waywith all the stops out竭尽全力地,全力以赴地without a stop不停地变形vt.stopped 或 stoptstopping |
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