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单词 spit 1
释义 spit1[spit]vi.1.■吐唾沫;吐痰:No Spitting!请勿吐痰!2.■啐唾沫(表示愤恨或轻蔑等);表示愤恨(或轻蔑)(at, on):He's the man at whom everyone spit.他是个遭到大家唾弃的人。They spit on what I said.他们对我说的话表示轻蔑。3.■啪啦作响;爆出火花:grease spitting on the fire在火上毕剥作响的油脂4.■飘小雨;飘雪花:She rushed out of the room with her pajamas, when snow was spitting.她穿着睡衣冲出了房子,那时正下着小雪。5.■(猫等发怒时)发出呜呜声:Suddenly my dog spit at the door.突然,我的狗朝着门低吠起来。6.■(钢笔)漏墨水vt.1.■吐;吐出(out):He was spit saliva on his face.人们朝他脸上吐口水。You'd better to spit out the seeds in your palm, and then put them on the plate.你应该把子吐在手上,然后再放到盘子里。2.■喷,喷出:The kettle spat boiling water over the stove.水壶把开水喷溅了一火炉。3.■厉声说出(out):You have no right to spit out your accusation at me!你没有权力大嚷大叫指责我!4.■(炮、枪等)喷出(火苗);(炉火)爆出(火花)(out):The wet wood was spitting out sparks.湿柴不断爆出火花。5.■点燃:Spit your lighter.打着你的打火机。6.■飘(雨点或雪花):It spat rain out when he left my house.他刚从我家离去,外面就下起了小雨。n.1.■唾液,唾沫2.■吐,啐3.■(昆虫等的)泡沫状分泌物4.■【昆虫】沫蝉,吹沫虫5.■(尤指猫等的)鸣鸣声,低鸣声6.■小雨;小雪spit and image[口语]酷似极其相似之物[亦作 spitting image, spit'n'image]spit in someone's eye(或face)[口语]轻视(或藐视,侮辱)某人spit it out[口语]大声说,坦率地说出来the spit and polish擦洗工作整洁,干净the (dead 或 very) spit of[口语]像…的人(或东西)变形vi.spit或spatspitting




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